Namespace Telerik.Windows.Controls.TreeMap
Represents a ColorMapping, which contains a set of RangeBrush objects. The AbsoluteValueBrushColorizer chooses the brush to be applied according to their From and To value. These values are absolute. |
AbsoluteValueGradientColorizer Represents a ColorMapping, which contains a set of GradientStops. Each System.Windows.Media.GradientStop.Offset property should be set with an absolute value. The RadTreeMapItem brush is calculated according to its value and colorizer's gradient stops. |
Paints an item by using a brush. |
Base class for all ColorMapping objects in RadTreeMap and RadPivotMap which define a set of brushes. Each RangeBrush is applied according its From and To properties. |
Represents and object, which defines the brushes for the RadTreeMapItem. Base class for all color mappings in RadTreeMap and RadPivotMap. |
This SelectDescriptor set a constant value to the projected instance. |
Provides custom logic for a TreeMap mapping. |
Contains a logic for selecting a MappingBase eligible for a RadTreeMapItem. |
Selects a System.Windows.DataTemplate for a leaf or group using default logic. |
Selects a System.Windows.DataTemplate for a type using its TemplateTable. |
This class is base class for RadTreeMap and RadPivotMap hierarchy definitions. |
Finds a System.Windows.Controls.Control System.Windows.DependencyProperty by its string representation. |
This class represents a ColorMapping which defines the Brush for a RadTreeMapItem based on a color and a level of desaturation. |
Base class for all ColorMapping objects in RadTreeMap and RadPivotMap which define a set of GradientStops. |
Represents a data item, which holds the information for a single RadTreeMapItem under the context of RadPivotMap. |
Contains a logic for selecting a MappingBase eligible for a RadTreeMapItem under the context of RadPivotMap. |
Represents an object, which defines how the data in RadPivotMap will be presented. Each GroupDefinition defines an additional level in the hierarchy. If there are no such objects, the RadPivotMap control will display all its items in a single level. |
Represents a collection of PivotMapGroupDefinitionBase. |
Represents a data item, which holds the information for a single RadTreeMapItem under the context of RadTreeMap. |
HierarchicalDataCollectionView Represents a collection, which projects a given hierarchical data to a new collection using the provided SelectDescriptors. |
HierarchicalDataMappingSelector Contains a logic for selecting a MappingBase eligible for a RadTreeMapItem under the context of RadTreeMap. |
Represents a SelectDescriptor used by the HierarchicalDataCollectionView to project a hierarchical structure. |
Base class for all layout strategies. |
Defines a collection of LayoutStrategyBase objects. |
Finds a LayoutStrategyBase by its string representation. |
Base class for all mappings in TreeMap. |
Base class for all mappings that can be applied on a RadTreeMapItem. |
Defines a collection of ObjectMappingBase objects. |
Represents a Collection of System.Windows.Media.Brush objects. |
Represents a ColorMapping, which holds a set of System.Windows.Media.Brush objects. RadTreeMap items are assigned a brush according to their index in the collection. |
Represents a data item, which holds the information for a single RadTreeMapItem under the context of RadPivotMap. |
Represents an object, which defines how the data in RadPivotMap will be presented. Each PivotMapGroupDefinition defines an additional level in the hierarchy. If there are no such objects, the RadPivotMap control will display all its items in a single level. |
Represents an object, which defines how the data in RadPivotMap will be presented. Each PivotMapGroupDefinitionBase defines an additional level in the hierarchy. If there are no such objects, the RadPivotMap control will display all its items in a single level. |
Base class for all TreeMap controls. |
Implements an item in the RadTreeMap control. |
Represents an object, which configures ValueBrushColorizer objects.
When IsAbsolute is |
Defines a collection of RangeBrush objects. |
Base class for all ColorMapping objects in RadTreeMap and RadPivotMap that rely on a range. A colorizer in RadTreeMap and RadPivotMap is a class which defines the Brush for the RadTreeMapItem objects. |
This class represents a colorizer, which contains a set of RangeBrush objects. It chooses the brush to be applied according to their From and To values. These values are relative - between 0 and 1. |
RelativeValueGradientColorizer Represents a colorizer, which contains a set of GradientStops. Each System.Windows.Media.GradientStop.Offset property should be set with a relative value - between 0 and 1. The RadTreeMapItem brush is calculated according to its value, RangeMinimum, RangeMaximum and colorizer's gradient stops. |
SelectionChangedRoutedEventArgs Provides data for SelectionChanged and PreviewSelectionChanged events. |
SelectionChangedRoutedEventHandler Represents the method that will handle the SelectionChanged and PreviewSelectionChanged events. |
This class is responsible for arranging the RadTreeMapItem elements in slices. |
Defines the different layout orientations that a SliceDiceAlgorithm can have. |
Arranges RadTreeMapItem elements in slices. |
This class is responsible for arranging the RadTreeMapItem elements, so that their aspect ratio is as close to 1 as possible. |
Arranges RadTreeMapItem elements in rectangles so that their aspect ratio is as close to 1 as possible. |
Base class for all TreeMap layout algorithms. |
Represents a data item, which holds the information for a single RadTreeMapItem. |
Represents a data item, which holds the information for a single RadTreeMapItem under the context of RadTreeMap. |
Arranges child elements according to a TreeMapAlgorithm. |
This class configures the RadTreeMap hierarchy by providing TargetTypeName, ValuePath and ChildrenPath. |
This class configures the RadTreeMap hierarchy by providing TargetTypeName, ValuePath and ChildrenPath. |
This class configures the RadTreeMap hierarchy by providing TargetTypeName, ValuePath and ChildrenPath. |
Represents a collection of TreeMapTypeDefinitionBase. |
Represents a SelectDescriptor, which is applied only for the type specified by the TypeName property. |
Represents a ColorMapping, which contains a set of RangeBrush objects. The ValueBrushColorizer chooses the brush to be applied according to their From and To value. |
Represents a ColorMapping, which contains a set of GradientStops. The ValueGradientColorizer calculated the brush according to its value and gradient stops. |
Base class for all mappings that depend on the value. |
Represents a SelectDescriptor, which is applied only for the type specified by the TypeName property. |