Namespace Telerik.Windows.Controls.Gauge
Represents bar indicator. |
ClassicLogarithmicDistribution Represents default distribution which is represented by logarithmic function. |
The class provides to use content and foreground property for binding foreground with data template of content control based classes. This class is designed for internal use. |
Represents number position which show characters using regular fonts. |
The base class for different gauges. |
Represents a collection of the custom items. |
Represents the measurement of the scale elements that explicitly support Star (*) unit sizing. |
Converts from/to GaugeMeasure structure. |
Represents value range along the scale. It is data object which suppose to be data context for the visual range representation. |
Represents a collection of the IRangeEventSource objects. Can contain GaugeRange or GaugeRangeGroup. |
Represents group of the gauge ranges. |
Base class for needle, marker, bar, and state indicators. |
Represents number position which show digits using some kind of drawing (shapes). |
Base class for the radial and linear scales. |
Represents number position which show digits using hexagons. |
Represents horizontal linear scale. |
Indicator's data which can be used as tooltip content. |
Represents group of the gauge indicators. |
The Refresh mode of an Indicator. |
Indicator's refresh timer. |
This class represents an individual mapping between a field from the RadGauge indicator's ValueSource and the IndicatorValueMember member that should be mapped to it. |
IndicatorValueMappingCollection Holds the list of IndicatorValueMapping items that constitute the data mappings for a indicator's value source. |
This enumeration represents the options to map to in the context of a RadGauge indicator's value when binding fields from a datasource. |
Base class for interactive indicators (bar, marker needle). |
Convert object to string using given format. |
Base class for linear gauges: vertical and horizontal. |
Represents the linear scale. |
Represents linear marker type indicator that runs over scale bar. |
Represents base distribution which is represented by logarithmic function. |
Represents marker type indicator that runs over scale bar. |
Represents marker type indicator that runs over scale bar. |
Represents single digit in the numeric indicator. |
Represents a collection of the number positions. |
Select template for number position. |
Represents numeric indicator. |
Represents scale that contains numeric or state indicators. This class makes possible show numeric or state indicators anywhere (not only inside the radial or linear scale). |
Represents pin point which is placed on the center of the radial scale (if necessary). |
Represents data class to operate with data provided through the indicator's value source. |
Base class for the Quadrant gauges. |
Represents North-East oriented Quadrant radial scale. |
Represents North-West oriented Quadrant radial scale. |
Represents South-East oriented Quadrant radial scale. |
Represents South-West oriented Quadrant radial scale. |
Represents radial scale. |
Represents radial scale marker type indicator that runs over scale bar. |
The gradient orientation for the Bar indicator. |
The mode of using range colors for the Bar indicator. |
Arguments of the Range Routed event (Enter, Leave or Timeout range events). |
Common base class for GaugeRange and GaugeRangeGroup. Provides access to the range events. |
Represents distribution which is represented by logarithmic function. |
Represents default distribution which is represented by linear function. |
Rotation mode for the elements positioned over the radial scale. |
RoutedPropertyChangedEventArgs<T> Typed RadRoutedEventArgs class. |
RoutedPropertyChangedEventHandler<T> Represents methods that will handle various routed events that track property value changes. |
Base class for all scales. |
Define attachable properties for objects are located over the scale. |
Value converter to access scale object data properties from XAML. 2-way binding can't be specified. |
Position of the scale object (like tick or label) relative to the scale bar. |
Represents East oriented Semicircle radial scale. |
Base class for the Semicircle gauges. |
Represents North oriented Semicircle radial scale. |
Represents South oriented Semicircle radial scale. |
Represents West oriented Semicircle radial scale. |
Represents 7-segs number position. |
Snap type. |
Represents state indicator. |
Represents data object for tick's label. This class is designed for internal use. |
Represents data object for scale tick. This class supports the RadGauge infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code. |
Represents type of the regular tick mark. |
Represents vertical linear scale. |
Represents collection which has data template for items. |
Interface which converts real scale value (given as value between Min and Max property of the scale) to the relative value (value in the [0...1] interval) which will represent relative position of the value along the scale and vice versa. It also will be able to calculate value for the tick mark using its index and total number of ticks. |