Namespace Telerik.Windows.Controls.Diagrams
AdditionalContentActivatedEventArgs Event args used holding the ContextItems for SettingsPaneView. They are used in RadDiagramAdditionalContentActivated events. |
Represents a custom markup extension for creating arrow shape geometries. |
The type of shape. |
Bitmap utilities. |
Represents command routed event args. |
Represents a custom markup extension for creating common shape geometries. |
Represents connection routed event args. |
ConnectionSerializationRoutedEventArgs Represents connection serialization routed event args. |
ConnectorActivationChangedEventArgs Represents ConnectorActivation routed event args. |
Represents connector routed event args. |
Default implementation of the IDataTransferService. |
Contains diagram animations attached properties. |
Represents a class containing diagram behaviors exposed via attached properties. |
This static class lists all Diagram public Commands. |
Represents drop information. |
Some RadDiagram related extensions and utilities. |
Represents ItemsChanged event args. |
Represents ItemsChanging event args. |
Represents items routed event args. |
The event argument supplied when the diagram layout event is raised. |
Defines the possible ways diagram is positioned over the pages. |
DiagramSerializationRoutedEventArgs Represents serialization routed event args. |
Represents the diagram surface. |
Encapsulates data related to diagram zoom events. |
Represents drag routed event args. |
ExtensionCommandsInitializationAttribute Static constructor of classes with this attribute will be invoked by the static constructor of RadDiagram. |
Represents a custom markup extension for creating flow chart shape geometries. |
List of flow chart - like shape types. |
Methods related to planar geometry. |
ItemsManipulationRoutedEventArgs Represents ItemsManipulation event args. |
ItemVisibilityToVisibilityConverter Converts ItemVisibility to System.Windows.Visibility and vice versa. |
Parametrization of a polyline geometry which allows you to use multiple Points and bridges (using the Crossings data and the BridgeType). The CreateBaseLineGeometry(LineSpecification) method uses such specifications to create a concrete geometry. |
Represents manipulation routed event args. |
Parametrization of a polyline geometry which allows you to use multiple Points, bridges (using the Crossings data and the BridgeType) and end caps. See the CreateLineGeometry(PolylineSpecification) to use this specification and return a concrete geometry. |
PositionChangedRoutedEventArgs Encapsulates information about position changed event. |
Represents a connector point. |
Abstract base implementation of the IDiagramItem interface. |
Encapsulates data regarding print preview. |
Encapsulates the diagram printing info. |
Abstract base implementation of the IShape interface. |
Contains state information and event data associated with a routed event. |
Represents resizing routed event args. |
Represents rotated routed event args. |
Utilities related to the (de)serialization. |
Shape factory. |
Represents shape routed event args. |
ShapeSerializationRoutedEventArgs Routed event argument related to a shape. |