Namespace Telerik.Windows.Controls.DataBars
An observable collection of brushes. |
A base class for the horizontal and vertical axis labels. |
A helper class holding information about a data axis label. |
DataAxisLabelsControlBase<TAxisLabel, TPanel> A base class for the horizontal and vertical axis labels controls. |
Specifies the display position for the labels of RadHorizontalDataAxis and RadVerticalDataAxis. |
An base class for the ticks of the DataAxes. |
DataAxisTicksControlBase<TAxisTick, TPanel> A base class for the horizontal and vertical data axis ticks control. |
A class that is intended to wrap a data item and expose several properties for data binding. |
This class is intended to represent the bar of a RadDataBar. |
HorizontalDataAxisItemsPanelBase The base class for the data axis items panel. |
A class representing a horizontal axis label. This class is intended to be used within the RadHorizontalDataAxis. |
HorizontalDataAxisLabelsControl A HorizontalDataAxisLabel items control. |
The panel that will layout the HorizontalDataAxisLabels. |
A class representing an axis tick. This class is intended to be used within the RadHorizontalDataAxis. |
HorizontalDataAxisTicksControl An items control that is used to plot horizontal data axis ticks. |
The panel that will layout the HorizontalDataAxisTicks. |
Specifies the display position of the label inside a RadDataBar. |
Specifies the out of range rule for a DataBarShape. |
A control that contains a DataBarShape. This class is intended to be used within the StackedBarItemsControl. |
An StackedBarItem items control. |
VerticalDataAxisItemsPanelBase The base class for the vertical panel that will layout data axis items. |
A class representing an axis label. This class is intended to be used within the RadVerticalDataAxis. |
An items control that is used to plot vertical axis labels. |
The panel that will layout the VerticalDataAxisLabels. |
A class representing a vertical axis tick. This class is intended to be used within the VerticalDataAxisTicksControl. |
A VerticalDataAxisTick items control. |
The panel that will layout the VerticalDataAxisTick. |