Namespace Telerik.Windows.Controls.ChartView
AdaptiveMovingAverageKaufmanIndicator Visualizes a collection of DataPoints, using a System.Windows.Shapes.Line shape. This class represents the Exponential Moving Average financial indicator. Its values are defined as the average of the exponentially weighted values of the last points. |
Custom RadAnimation for animating the AngleRange property of PieSeries. |
Represents a chart series that are visualize like an area figure in the cartesian space. |
Represents the AverageTrueRange financial indicator. |
Represents an axis within a RadCartesianChart instance. |
Holds attached properties that allow for enabling and controlling the zoom and pan on a CartesianAxis instance. |
Represents a financial indicator, whose value depends on the values of DataPoints in financial series. |
Represents a chart series that plot their points using rectangular shapes, named "Bars". The series support default visuals - System.Windows.Controls.Border instances. |
Contains options for controlling the rendering behavior of ChartSeries when using Light. |
Represents the Bollinger Bands financial indicator. |
Represents a chart series that plot their points using box plot shapes. The series support default visuals - BoxPlotShape instances. |
Represents the box plot visual. |
Represents a chart series that plot their points using bubbles. |
Represents the financial Candlestick symbol. |
Represents a chart series that plot their points using financial "Candlestick" shapes. |
Represents an axis used to plot points within a RadCartesianChart instance. |
This is the base class for all chart annotations in a RadCartesianChart. |
Represents a decoration over a RadCartesianChart plot area. Adds major and minor lines, connected to each Major and Minor tick of each axis. |
Allows you to place a custom object at a specific place in your RadCartesianChart. |
Represents a line annotation. The locations of the two points that determine the line are calculated base on the HorizontalFrom, HorizontalTo, VerticalFrom and VerticalTo properties. |
Allows you to place a straight line at a specific place in your RadCartesianChart. |
Represents a marked zone annotation. The location of the rectangle that determine the marked zone is calculated base on the HorizontalFrom, HorizontalTo, VerticalFrom and VerticalTo properties. |
Allows you highlight the area between two values drawn by the Axis in the RadCartesianChart. |
Represents ChartSeries that may be visualized by a RadCartesianChart instance. |
Represents an annotation which shape may be stroked (outlined). |
Defines an axis that treats distinct points as "Categories" rather than "Values". |
Represents a CategoricalRadialAxis that plots categorical data. |
Base class for all ChartSeries that may contain CategoricalDataPoint. |
Base class for all categorical series. |
Represents a concrete ChartSeriesDescriptor that may be used to create all the categorical chart series variations. |
CategoricalSeriesDescriptorBase Represents the base class for descriptors that defines categorical data series. |
Represents a series which shape may be stroked (outlined). |
Allows aggregate functions to use enumerable expression from DataPointBinding. |
Base class for chart animations applicable to series or point visuals. |
This is the base class for all chart annotations. |
ChartAnnotationCreatedEventArgs Encapsulates the data associated with the AnnotationCreated event. |
Represents a definition of a ChartAnnotation instance. Used together with a ChartAnnotationsProvider instance to provide dynamic chart annotation generation, depending on the data specified. |
ChartAnnotationDescriptorCollection A typed observable collection of ChartAnnotationDescriptor instances that can be used to add descriptors in xaml. |
ChartAnnotationDescriptorSelector Represents a class that allows for context-based ChartAnnotationDescriptor selection within a ChartAnnotationsProvider instance. |
ChartAnnotationLabelDefinition Describes the appearance of the labels within a ChartAnnotation. |
Defines the supported locations of the annotation's label. |
Represents a logical object that may be used to create chart annotations automatically. |
Represents a function that returns the arithmetic mean of a set of arguments. |
This is the base class for all chart behaviors. |
This collection contains the behaviors for RadChart. |
Represents a function that returns the sum from a set of items. |
A crosshair presented by two lines and labels that are positioned in accordance to the pointer position. |
ChartCrosshairPositionChangedEventArgs Encapsulates the data associated with a ChartCrosshairBehavior.PositionChanged event. |
An object of this type is used as a data context for chart's behaviors. For example the tool tip behavior can use a chart data context to populate its tool tip template with data. |
Defines how a RadChartBase instance will handle a mouse drag gesture. |
Custom chart animation which combines MoveAnimation and FadeAnimation . It is designed primarily for stacked area series and stacked bar series. |
Base class for all PresenterBase instances that visualize a logical chart element. |
Chart FadeAnimation which wraps FadeAnimation class. |
Gets or sets the orientation of the data in the ChartHistogramSource. |
An enumeration that defines what visual effects to be applied. |
A key combination used by the chart's behaviors. |
Base class for the legend items settings of the RadChartBase. |
Represents a function that returns the greatest item from a set of items. |
Represents a function that returns the least item from a set of items. |
Defines how a RadChartBase instance will handle mouse wheel. |
Chart MoveAnimation which wraps MoveAnimation class. |
Defines the palette semantic for a RadChartBase instance. The palette contains GlobalEntries, which are PaletteEntry objects, not related to any particular series and the SeriesEntries collection, which may be used to define a palette for a series family - e.g. Area. |
Represents a converter that may convert string value to a ChartPalette instance. |
Contains all the predefined palettes for RadChartBase. A predefined palette may not be further modified once loaded. |
Represents a chart behavior that manipulates the Zoom and PanOffset properties of the associated RadChartBase instance. |
ChartPanOffsetChangedEventArgs Provides data for the PanOffsetChanged event. |
Defines how a RadChartBase instance will handle a zoom or a pan gesture. |
Contains options for controlling the rendering behavior of ChartSeries. |
Chart Reveal Animation which wraps RevealAnimation class. |
Chart ScaleAnimation which wraps ScaleAnimation class. |
Represents a behavior that changes the IsSelected state of data points and series depending on user input. |
ChartSelectionChangedEventArgs Provides data for the SelectionChanged event. |
Base class for all series of data points, plotted on a RadChartBase instance. |
Encapsulates the data associated with the SeriesCreated event. |
Represents an abstract definition of a ChartSeries instance. Used together with a ChartSeriesProvider instance to provide dynamic chart series generation, depending on the data specified. The descriptors form a neat hierarchy based on the type of data visualized - e.g. Categorical, Scatter, Financial, etc. This is the base class which encapsulates all the common functionality for all concrete descriptors. |
ChartSeriesDescriptorCollection Represents a typed observable collection of ChartSeriesDescriptor instances. |
Represents a class that allows for context-based ChartSeriesDescriptor selection within a ChartSeriesProvider instance. |
ChartSeriesLabelConnectorsSettings Represents a class that is used for setting up series label connectors. |
Describes the appearance of the labels within a ChartSeries. A chart series can have multiple definitions, allowing for multiple labels per data point. |
Represents an object that holds information about a label. |
Allows for pluggable customization of the appearance and layout of data point labels within a ChartSeries instance. |
Represents a logical object that may be used to feed a RadChartBase instance with data, leaving the series creation to the chart itself. |
Represents a specific strategy for arranging labels within the chart, so that they do not overlap with each other. |
Base class for strategies for arranging labels. |
Represents a function that returns the sum from a set of items. |
Defines the tooltip behavior for RadChart. |
Represents a behavior that adds two lines in RadChartBase's render surface. The two lines intersect at the center of the closest data point found. |
Extensions properties for ChartView. |
Provides data for the ZoomChanged event. |
CommodityChannelIndexIndicator Represents the CommodityChannelIndicator. |
Encapsulates the base functionality for establishing a DataPoint binding. |
This class contains the closest data point to a tap location as well as the point's corresponding series object. |
Settings class for the legend items of the PieSeries. |
Represents an info class that is used to store the data needed to generate a DataPoint in sampling scenario. |
Represents an Axis that recognizes DateTime values and organizes all the plotted points in chronologically sorted categories. |
Represents an Axis which plots points along the actual timeline. |
Indicates how to render default visuals. |
Represents a chart series that visualize data points using arcs that form a doughnut. |
Encapsulates helper methods to generate Dynamic methods using System.Reflection.Emit. |
Represents a chart series that plot their points using error bar shapes. The series support default visuals - ErrorBarShape instances. |
Represents the error bar visual. |
ExponentialMovingAverageIndicator Visualizes a collection of DataPoints, using a System.Windows.Shapes.Line shape. This class represents the Exponential Moving Average financial indicator. Its values are defined as the average of the exponentially weighted values of the last points. |
An enumeration that defines what visual effects to be applied. |
Represents a chart series that visualize data points using trapezoid segments that form a funnel form. |
GenericDataPointBinding<TElement, TResult> Represents a DataPointBinding that uses a generic delegate to retrieve the value to be applied for the generated data points. |
Retrieves the value of a property of an object instance. Used to generate dynamic methods to bypass reflection. |
Defines how grid lines are displayed. |
Defines the visibility of the major and minor lines within a CartesianChartGrid. |
Base class for financial indicators that are calculated upon the High and Low values. |
HighLowClosePeriodIndicatorBase Base class for financial indicators that are calculated upon the High, Low and Close values and define a period. |
Base class for financial indicators that are calculated upon the High and Low values. |
Represents a financial indicator, whose value depends on the values of DataPoints in financial series. |
Represents the converter that converts ScrollMode values to Visibility enumeration value. |
Represents a function which keeps the extremes in the underlying data. |
Defines what custom label implementation will be provided by a ChartSeriesLabelStrategy instance. |
Represents a NumericalAxis which step is linear. |
Represents a linear axis. |
Represents a financial indicator, whose value depends on the values of DataPoints in financial series. |
Visualizes a collection of data points using a System.Windows.Shapes.Line shape. |
Represents an axis that uses the Logarithm function to calculate the values of the plotted points. |
This class represents the MovingAverageConvergenceDivergence financial indicator. |
This class represents the MovingAverageConvergenceDivergence financial indicator. |
Represents a function that returns the first item from a set of items. |
Represents a function that returns the last item from a set of items. |
ModifiedExponentialMovingAverageIndicator Visualizes a collection of DataPoints, using a System.Windows.Shapes.Line shape. This class represents the Modified Exponential Moving Average financial indicator. Its values are defined as the average of the exponentially weighted values of the last points. |
ModifiedMovingAverageIndicator Visualizes a collection of DataPoints, using a System.Windows.Shapes.Line shape. This class represents the Modified Moving Average financial indicator. |
Visualizes a collection of DataPoints, using a System.Windows.Shapes.Line shape. This class represents the Momentum oscillator. |
The type of ChartMoveAnimation. It determines from which side of the chart plot the elements' animation starts. |
Visualizes a collection of DataPoints, using a System.Windows.Shapes.Line shape. This class represents the Moving Average financial indicator. Its values are defined as the average value of the last points. |
Base class for all axes that use numbers to plot associated points. |
Represents a RadialAxis that plots numerical data. |
Represents a chart series that plot their points using financial "Bar" shapes. |
A base class for chart series that plot financial indicators using High, Low, Open, Close values. |
Represents a concrete ChartSeriesDescriptor that may be used to create financial series - CandlestickSeries and OhlcSeries. |
Represents the financial Candlestick symbol. |
Represents the financial OhlcStick symbol. |
Visualizes a collection of DataPoints, using a System.Windows.Shapes.Line shape. This class represents the Moving Average financial indicator. Its values are defined as the average value of the last points. |
Defines an entry in a ChartPalette instance. |
Represents a collection of PaletteEntry objects that target particular ChartSeries instance. |
This class represents a customized version of RadSlider that provides built-in support for pan and zoom actions. |
All commands that the PanZoomBar exposes. |
Chart MoveAnimation which wraps AngleRangeAnimation class. |
An enumeration that defines what visual effects to be applied. |
Defines label display modes for the pie chart. |
Chart MoveAnimation which wraps RadiusFactorAnimation class. |
A specific strategy for arranging labels in a pie chart. |
Represents a chart series that visualize data points using arcs that form a pie. |
Represents a chart series that plot their points using ellipses. |
Base class for all ChartSeries that may visualize their data points through Data templates. |
Represents PolarLineSeries that may optionally fill the area, enclosed by all points. |
Represents the Polar (Radius) axis within a RadPolarChart instance. |
Allows you to place am ellipse at a specific place in your RadCartesianChart. This annotation uses the PolarAxis. |
Allows you highlight the area between two values drawn by the PolarAxis in the RadPolarChart. |
This is the base class for all chart annotations in a RadPolarChart. |
Represents a decoration layer over a RadPolarChart. Adds visual representation of Polar and Radial lines and stripes. |
Allows you to place a custom object at a specific place in your RadPolarChart. |
Defines the availability of the grid lines within a PolarChartGrid. |
Represents PolarPointSeries which connect each PolarDataPoint with a straight line segment. |
Represents CartesianSeries which may visualize PolarDataPoint objects in RadPolarChart. |
Base class for all ChartSeries that may visualize their data points in a circle. |
Represents a concrete ChartSeriesDescriptor that may be used to create all the polar chart series variations. |
Represents the base class for descriptors that define polar series. |
Represents an annotation which shape may be stroked (outlined). |
Base class for all System.Windows.Controls.Control instances that represent charting engine logical models. |
Represents a strongly typed collection of ChartElementPresenter instances. |
Represents a DataPointBinding that uses reflection to look-up the values for the generated data points. |
Represents RadarLineSeries that may optionally fill the area, enclosed by all points. |
Represents RadarPointSeries which connect each CategoricalDataPoint with a straight line segment. |
Represents CartesianSeries which may visualize CategoricalDataPoint objects in RadPolarChart. |
Represents a concrete ChartSeriesDescriptor that may be used to create all the radar chart series variations. |
Base class for all different charts. Different chart controls are categorized mainly by the coordinate system used to plot their points. |
Represents an elliptical axis. |
Allows you to place a straight line at a specific place in your RadCartesianChart. This annotation uses the RadialAxis. |
Allows you highlight the area between two values drawn by the RadialAxis in the RadPolarChart. |
Custom RadAnimation for animating the RadiusFactor property of the PieSeries. |
Represents a chart range bar series. |
Represents a chart range area series. |
A base class for chart range series. |
Represents a range spline area series. |
Visualizes a collection of DataPoints, using a System.Windows.Shapes.Line shape. This class represents the Momentum oscillator. |
Visualizes a collection of DataPoints, using a System.Windows.Shapes.Line shape. This class represents the Range Action Verification Index financial indicator. |
Represents a read-only collection of chart series. |
Represents a read-only collection of data points. |
RelativeMomentumIndexIndicator Represents the Relative Momentum Index financial indicator. |
RelativeStrengthIndexIndicator Visualizes a collection of DataPoints, using a System.Windows.Shapes.Line shape. This class represents the RelativeStrengthIndex financial indicator. |
An enumeration representing the time unit to group by when performing sampling on chart data. |
Represents a chart series which visualize ScatterDataPoint instances by an area shape. |
Represents a scatter bubble series. |
Represents a chart series, which can visualize ScatterDataPoint instances by connecting them with straight line segments. |
Represents a chart series which can visualize ScatterDataPoint instances. |
Represents a chart scatter range bar series. |
The base class for the scatter series. |
Represents a concrete ChartSeriesDescriptor that may be used to create all the scatter chart series variations. |
Represents a chart series, which can visualize ScatterDataPoint instances by connecting them with smooth curves. |
Visualizes a collection of ScatterDataPoint using a smooth Line shape. |
Settings class for the legend items of the RadChartBase. |
Defines the possible ways of a ChartPalette instance to apply the palette of its owning chart. |
Defines how ChartSeries will be rendered. |
Base class for financial indicators, which use ShortPeriod and LongPeriod properties to define their values. |
Represents series which define an area with smooth curves among points. |
Visualizes a collection of data points using a smooth System.Windows.Shapes.Line shape. |
Represents a step area series. |
Represents a step line series. |
Represents the Stochastic Fast financial indicator. |
Base class for financial indicators that are calculated upon the High, Low and Close values and define a period. |
StringToDataPointBindingConverter Converts strings to PropertyNameDataPointBinding objects. |
Represents the converter that converts ScrollMode values to Visibility enumeration value. |
Represents the control that displays the track information, provided by a ChartTrackBallBehavior. |
Encapsulates the data associated with a ChartTrackBallBehavior.TrackInfoUpdated event. |
TrackBallPositionChangingEventArgs Encapsulates the data associated with the PositionChanging event. |
Defines how a ChartTrackBallBehavior or a ChartTooltipBehavior instance should snap to the closest to a physical location data points. |
This class represents the TRIX financial indicator. |
Visualizes a collection of DataPoints, using a System.Windows.Shapes.Line shape. This class represents the True Range oscillator. |
Visualizes a collection of DataPoints, using a System.Windows.Shapes.Line shape. This class represents the Momentum oscillator. |
Represents a base class for financial indicators whose value depends on one input value (Open, High, Low, Close). |
Represents a base class for financial indicators whose value depends on one input value (Open, High, Low, Close) and Period. |
WeightedMovingAverageIndicator Visualizes a collection of DataPoints, using a System.Windows.Shapes.Line shape. This class represents the Weighted Moving Average financial indicator. |
Contains options for controlling the rendering behavior of ChartSeries when using Full. |