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Accessing RadEntry Handler in Telerik UI for MAUI 8.0.0


Version Product Author
8.0.0 Telerik UI for .NET MAUI Entry Dobrinka Yordanova


In Telerik UI for MAUI 7.1.0, it was possible to access the RadEntry handler and perform custom logic by subscribing to the HandlerChanged event. After updating to Telerik UI for MAUI 8.0.0, this approach does not work due to breaking changes associated with the control's refactoring. This refactoring was part of the new Telerik theming mechanism. This knowledge base article also answers the following questions:

  • How do I modify the RadEntry handler in Telerik UI for MAUI 8.0.0?
  • What is the new way to access the RadEntry platform-specific view in the latest version?
  • How can I apply custom logic to the RadEntry control after the 8.0.0 update?


To access the RadEntry handler in Telerik UI for MAUI 8.0.0, subscribe to the Loaded event of the RadEntry. In the event handler, obtain the RadTextInput control, which is used in the RadEntry template. Then, subscribe to the RadTextInput.HandlerChanged event and implement the necessary logic there.

1. Subscribe to the Loaded event of RadEntry.

myEntry.Loaded += OnEntryLoaded;

2. In the OnEntryLoaded method, get the RadTextInput control from the RadEntry template.

private void OnEntryLoaded(object sender, EventArgs e)
var textInput = ChildOfType<RadTextInput>(this.entry);
if (textInput != null)
    var handler = textInput.Handler;
    if (handler == null)
        textInput.HandlerChanged += this.OnTextInputHandlerChanged;

internal static T ChildOfType<T>(View visualElement) where T : View
    if (visualElement == null)
        return null;

    foreach (var item in VisualTreeElementExtensions.GetVisualTreeDescendants(visualElement))
        if (item is T targetElement)
            return targetElement;

    return null;

3. Implement the UpdateNativeElement method to add your custom logic.

private void OnTextInputHandlerChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
    var textInput = (RadTextInput)sender;


    textInput.HandlerChanged -= this.OnTextInputHandlerChanged;

private void UpdateNativeElement(IViewHandler handler)
    var nativeEntry = handler.PlatformView as Telerik.Maui.Platform.RadMauiTextInput;
    if (nativeEntry != null)
        // add your logic here

This approach ensures you can access the native platform view and apply custom logic to the RadEntry control, adapting to the changes introduced in Telerik UI for MAUI 8.0.0.

See Also

In this article