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Setting the DataGrid Header Style Programmatically in MAUI When Using the GenerateColumnCommand


Version Product Author
9.0.0 Telerik UI for .NET MAUI DataGrid Dobrinka Yordanova


How can I programmatically set the style of a DataGrid header, for example, setting the font to bold when using a custom command to generate the columns?

This knowledge base article also answers the following questions:

  • How to change the DataGrid header font family in MAUI programmatically?
  • How to set the DataGrid header border thickness in MAUI?
  • How to apply a custom style to DataGrid headers in MAUI applications?


To programmatically set the style of the DataGrid header, create a new Style instance targeting DataGridColumnHeaderAppearance. Add Setter instances to the style to define properties such as TextFontFamilyProperty and BorderThicknessProperty. Assign this style to the HeaderStyle property of the column in the Execute method of your CustomGenerateColumnCommand.

Style style = new Style(typeof(DataGridColumnHeaderAppearance));
style.Setters.Add(new Setter() 
    Property = DataGridColumnHeaderAppearance.TextFontFamilyProperty, 
style.Setters.Add(new Setter() 
    Property = DataGridColumnHeaderAppearance.BorderThicknessProperty, 
    Value = new Microsoft.Maui.Thickness(1) 
// Add more setters as needed.
context.Result.HeaderStyle = style;

For detailed information on styling the DataGrid columns, refer to the DataGrid Columns Styling article in the Telerik MAUI documentation.

See Also

In this article