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The Spinner for .NET MAUI is a control which allows you to display items in a list. It also provides an option to loop through its items.

The Spinner is used for the DatePicker, ListPicker. Also you can use it inside the TemplatedPicker SelectorTemplate.


  • ItemLength(double)—Defines the length of the items in the spinner.

  • ItemSpacing(double)—Defines the spacing between the items.

  • IsLooping(bool)—Defines a value indicating whether the items will loop infinitely while scrolling. By default, the looping is disabled. To enable it, set IsLooping="True".

Data Binding

  • ItemsSource(IList)—Defines a collection used to generate the content of the spinner.

  • SelectedItem(object)—Defines the selected item.

  • SelectedIndex(int)—Specifies the selected index of the Spinner control.

  • DisplayStringFormat(string)—Defines the string format that is used to display the items of the spinner.

  • DisplayMemberPath(string)—Specifies a path to the property that is used to display the items of the spinner.


  • ItemTemplate(DataTemplate)—Defines the template for the spinner items.

  • SelectedItemTemplate(DataTemplate)—Defines the template for the selected spinner item.


  • ItemStyle(Style)—Defines the style for the spinner items.

  • SelectedItemStyle(Style)—Defines the style for the selected spinner item.


The Spinner exposes the SelectionChanged event that is raised when the user confirms the selected item.

For a sample example with the Spinner control, refer to the TemplatedPicker/DataBinding folder of the Telerik UI for .NET MAUI SDKBrowser Application.

See Also

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