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.NET MAUI NumericInput Customization Options

This article will guide you through all customizations options that NumericInput control provides.

Set Numeric Buttons Text

The NumericInput provides the following properties for customizing the text in its text input buttons.

  • IncreaseButtonText(of type string)—Defines the text displayed inside the Increase button. The default string value is "+".
  • DecreaseButtonText(of type string)—Defines the text displayed inside the Decrease button. The default string value is "-".

The following example demonstrates how to customize the NumericInput buttons text.

<telerik:RadNumericInput IncreaseButtonText=" &gt;"
                         DecreaseButtonText=" &lt;"

Check the result of the NumericInput with custom button text below:

.NET MAUI NumericInput Button Text Customization

Hide the numeric butons by using the ControlTemplate.

Change Background

The BackgroundColor property allows you to modify the background color of the input area of the NumericInput:

<telerik:RadNumericInput BackgroundColor="LightYellow" AutomationId="numericBackgroudColor"/>

See Also

In this article