.NET MAUI DataGrid Commands

The command design-pattern is very important and widely used in the XAML and MVVM world. The Telerik UI for .NET MAUI DataGrid strictly follows these best practices and provides an intuitive and an easy-to-use set of APIs that allow different aspects of the DataGrid behavior to be handled and/or completely overridden.

The DataGrid exposes a Commands collection that allows you to register custom commands with each control instance through the RadDataGrid.Commands property:

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The Commands is part of Telerik UI for .NET MAUI, the most comprehensive UI suite for .NET MAUI! To try it out, sign up for a free 30-day trial and kickstart your cross-platform app development today.

  • Commands—Gets the collection with all the custom commands registered with the CommandService. Custom commands have higher priority than the built-in (default) ones.

Command Types

  • DataGridCommand—All the default commands within RadDataGrid derive from the base DataGridCommand. Think of this command as a UI-related command as it operates over the RadDataGrid instance that owns the command.

    • Id—The key that relates a command instance to a particular action/routine. This value is used to associate a command with a known event within a RadDataGrid instance.
    • Command—Gets or sets the generic ICommand implementation that may come from the ViewModel.
    • EnableDefaultCommand—Gets or sets a value indicating whether the default (built-in) UI command associated with the specified Id will be executed. The default value is True.

DataGridCommandId Enumeration

All the predefined commands within a RadDataGrid instance are identified by a member of the DataGridCommandId enumeration. This is actually the key that relates a command instance to a particular action/routine within the owning grid. To register a custom command within a RadDataGrid instance, you can inherit the DataGridCommand class and override its CanExecute and Execute methods. You need to set the Id property of the new command so that it can be properly associated with the desired action/event. Following are the members of the DataGridCommandId enumerations.

The table below shows all commands in the DataGrid control and for each of the available commands there is an object which is passed as a parameter in its Execute method.

Commands Object type
Unknown DataGridColumn
ColumnHeaderTap DataGridTextColumn
GroupHeaderTap GroupHeaderContext
GroupHeaderButtonTap GroupHeaderContext
CellTap DataGridCellInfo
CellDoubleTap DataGridCellInfo
GenerateColumn GenerateColumnContext
DataBindingComplete DataBindingCompleteEventArgs
BeginEdit EditContext
CancelEdit EditContext
CommitEdit EditContext
ValidateCell ValidateCellContext
LoadMoreData LoadOnDemandContext
FilterTap FilterTapContext
ApplyFilter FilterTapContext
CloseFilter FilterTapContext
ResetFilter FilterTapContext
KeyDown KeyboardInfo
ToggleRowDetailsButtonTap the type is the data model

For an outline of all DataGrid features review the .NET MAUI DataGrid Overview article.

See Also

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