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Progress® Telerik® JustMock 2023.3.1122.188


When working with JetBrains Rider, you might encounter difficulties in enabling the JustMock Profiler. Unlike Visual Studio, Rider does not have an extension menu for enabling/disabling the JustMock profiler. This article outlines how to activate advanced JustMock features in the JetBrains Rider IDE.

This knowledge base article also answers the following questions:

  • What steps are needed to configure the JustMock profiler in Rider?
  • How can I ensure JustMock is properly set up for my .NET projects in Rider?


To enable the JustMock Profiler in JetBrains Rider, you must manually configure the Test Runner Environment Variables. This process involves adding specific environment variables to your Rider IDE settings.

For .NET Framework Projects

  1. Open the Test Runner Environment Variables settings in JetBrains Rider. For more information on accessing this setting, refer to the JetBrains documentation.
  2. Add the following environment variables:
    • JUSTMOCK_INSTANCE with value 1
    • COR_ENABLE_PROFILING with value 1
    • COR_PROFILER with value {B7ABE522-A68F-44F2-925B-81E7488E9EC0}
    • COR_PROFILER_PATH_32 with value <JustMock Install Root>\Progress\Telerik JustMock\Libraries\CodeWeaver\32\Telerik.CodeWeaver.Profiler.dll
    • COR_PROFILER_PATH_64 with value <JustMock Install Root>\Progress\Telerik JustMock\Libraries\CodeWeaver\64\Telerik.CodeWeaver.Profiler.dll

Make sure to replace <JustMock Install Root> with the actual installation path of JustMock on your machine.

For .NET Core Projects

For projects targeting .NET Core, use the corresponding CORECLR_ prefixed variables instead of COR_. The variable names and their purposes remain the same, ensuring CLR correctly loads the JustMock Profiler.

Using .runsettings File

Alternatively, integrate JustMock with Rider through a .runsettings file. This method involves specifying test runner settings and environment variables within a .runsettings file placed in your solution folder. Then, configure your Rider IDE to use this settings file during test execution.

  1. Create .runsettings file containing the necessary JustMock environment variables.
  2. Place the .runsettings file in your solution directory.
  3. In Rider, specify the path to the .runsettings file within the Test Runner settings.

This approach allows for a more centralized and version-controlled setup of your testing environment.

See Also

In this article