Chart Series: Point Customization

The TKChartSeries can draw a point in particular shape. You can customize the appearance and shape of this point by accessing and altering the styling properties and palette items for shapePallete.

Note that the approach above is applicable to any series (except TKChartPieSeries, TKChartBarSeries and TKChartColumnSeries). If you want to change the shape of each point, you should use the following code snippet: = [[TKPredefinedShape alloc] initWithType:TKShapeTypeCircle andSize:CGSizeMake(10, 10)]; = TKPredefinedShape(type:, andSize: CGSize(width: 10, height: 10))
series.Style.PointShape = new TKPredefinedShape (TKShapeType.Circle, new SizeF (10, 10));

You can specify many predefined shapes by using the following enum:

In addition, you can change a point background color by using the following lines of code:

TKChartPaletteItem *paletteItem = [[TKChartPaletteItem alloc] init];
paletteItem.fill = [TKSolidFill solidFillWithColor:[UIColor redColor]];
TKChartPalette *palette = [[TKChartPalette alloc] init];
[palette addPaletteItem:paletteItem]; = palette;
let paletteItem = TKChartPaletteItem()
paletteItem.fill = TKSolidFill(color:
let palette = TKChartPalette()
palette.addItem(paletteItem) = palette
var paletteItem = new TKChartPaletteItem ();
paletteItem.Fill = new TKSolidFill (UIColor.Red);
var palette = new TKChartPalette ();
palette.AddPaletteItem (paletteItem);
series.Style.ShapePalette = palette;