Calendar: Selection

This article describes the different selection modes available in TKCalendar

The selection mode in TKCalendar can be altered by using the selectionMode property. The available options are:

Use the selectedDate property to get or set the currently selected date in TKCalendar when the single selection mode is used.

Use the selectedDates property to get or set the selected dates when multiple selection mode is selected.

The selectedDatesRange property is used to store the date range when this selection option is used.

You can determine whether a selection is changed by adopting TKCalendarDelegate protocol:

- (void)calendar:(TKCalendar *)calendar didSelectDate:(NSDate *)date
    NSLog(@"selected: %@", date);
func calendar(_ calenadr:TKCalendar, didSelect date: Date) {
    print("selected: %@", date)
public override void DidSelectDate (TKCalendar calendar, NSDate date)
    Console.WriteLine (String.Format ("{0}", date));

You can prevent TKCalendar from selecting specific date by handling the calendar:shouldSelectDate:

- (BOOL)calendar:(TKCalendar *)calendar shouldSelectDate:(NSDate *)date
    NSLog(@"Trying to select the unselectable: %@", date);

    return ![TKCalendar isDate:self.unselectable
func calendar(_ calenadr:TKCalendar, shouldSelect date: Date)->Bool {
    print("Trying to select the unselectable: %@", date)
    return !TKCalendar.isDate(self.unselectable!, equalTo: date, withComponents:[.year, .month, .day], with: calendarView.calendar)
public override bool ShouldSelectDate (TKCalendar calendar, NSDate date)
    Console.WriteLine (String.Format ("Trying to select the unselectable {0}", date));

    return !TKCalendar.IsDate (main.UnselectableDate, date, NSCalendarUnit.Year | NSCalendarUnit.Month | NSCalendarUnit.Day, main.CalendarView.Calendar);

Furthermore, the calendar:didDeselectDate: is called when using multiple selection to notify for unselected dates:

- (void)calendar:(TKCalendar *)calendar didDeselectedDate:(NSDate *)date
    NSLog(@"deselected: %@", date);
func calendar(_ calenadr:TKCalendar, didDeselectedDate date: Date) {
    print("deselected: %@", date)
public override void DidDeselectedDate (TKCalendar calendar, NSDate date)
    Console.WriteLine (String.Format ("{0}", date));