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RadToolBar Object

The following table lists the most important methods of the RadToolBar client-side object:

Client side changes are available on the server side after postback. You can use the ClientChanges property to access them.

Name Parameters Return Type Description
trackChanges none none Begins tracking changes to the toolbar items. Only changes to the items that occur between a call to trackChanges and commitChanges persist after a postback. (see Example 1)
commitChanges none none Ends tracking changes to the toolbar items. Only changes to the items that occur between a call to trackChanges and commitChanges persist after a postback. (see Example 1)
findItemByText string RadToolBarItem Returns the first item in the toolbar with the specified text.
findItemByAttribute string, string RadToolBarItem Returns the first item in the toolbar with the custom attribute specified by the first parameter set to the value specified by the second parameter.
findItemByValue string RadToolBarItem Returns the first item in the toolbar with the specified value.
get_attributes none Attributes Returns the collection of custom attributes defined for the toolbar.
get_items none RadToolBarItemCollection Returns the collection of items in the toolbar (not including items in drop-down lists).
get_allItems none Array of RadToolBarItem Returns an array containing all the items in the toolbar, including the items in drop-down lists. Items in drop-down lists appear immediately following their parent items.
get_orientation none integer Returns 0 if the toolbar is horizontal, 1 if it is vertical.
set_orientation integer none Sets the orientation of the toolbar.
get_expandAnimation none Animation Returns the expand animation object.
get_collapseAnimation none Animation Returns the collapse animation object.
get_element none HTML element Gets the DOM element for the toolbar.
get_childListElement none HTML element Gets the DOM element for the UL element that lists the toolbar buttons.
add_<EventName> eventHandler none Attaches an eventHandler to the event with the name <EventName>. Note that client-side event names differ from their server-side counterparts. For more information, see Client-Side Events.
remove_<EventName> eventHandler Boolean Detaches an eventHandler from the event with the name <EventName>.Returns "True" if the eventHandler is found and detached, false otherwise.Note that client-side event names differ from their server-side counterparts. For more information, see Client-Side Events.

Example 1: Demonstrates the usage of trackChanges() and commitChanges() methods.

var toolBar = $find("<%=RadToolBar1.ClientID %>");
var dropDownButton = toolBar.get_items().getItem(0);
var dropDownChildButton = new Telerik.Web.UI.RadToolBarButton();
dropDownChildButton.set_text("Added on the client-side button");
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