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Properties and Events

This help article lists the server-side API for RadToggleButton including its toggle states, the corresponding icon and image tags and events.

RadToggleButton common features (properties)

Property Description
AutoPostBack Gets or sets a bool value indicating whether the control will automatically post the page back to the server.
CausesValidation Gets or sets a bool value indicating whether validation is performed when the RadToggleButton is clicked.
PostbackUrl Gets or sets the URL of the page to post to from the current page, when the RadToggleButton is clicked.
Primary Gets or sets a bool value indicating whether the button uses its primary appearance.
Text Gets or sets the text displayed in the RadToggleButton control.
ValidationGroup Gets or sets the group of controls for which the RadToggleButton control causes validation when it posts back to the server.
CommandName Gets or sets the command name associated with the RadToggleButton control that is passed to the Command event.
CommandArgument Gets or sets an optional parameter passed to the Command event along with the associated CommandName.
CssClass Defines the CSS class for the RadToggleButton.
HoveredCssClass Gets or sets the CSS class when the mouse pointer is hovered over the RadToggleButton control.
PressedCssClass Gets or sets the CSS class when the RadToggleButton control is pressed.
OnClientLoad Sets a name of a JavaScript function that will be called when the RadToggleButton is loaded on the page.
OnClientClicking Sets a name of a JavaScript function that will be called when the RadToggleButton is clicked. The event is cancelable.
OnClientClicked Sets a name of a JavaScript function that will be called when the RadToggleButton is clicked, after the OnClientClicking event.
OnClientMouseOver Sets a name of a JavaScript function that will be called when the mouse pointer hovers over the RadToggleButton.
OnClientMouseOut Sets a name of a JavaScript function that will be called when the mouse pointer leaves the RadToggleButton.
OnClientToggleStateChanging Sets a name of a JavaScript function that will be called prior to the RadToggleButton state change. The event is cancelable.
OnClientToggleStateChanged Sets a name of a JavaScript function that will be called when the RadToggleButton state is changed, after the OnClientToggleStateChanging event.
UseSubmitBehavior Gets or sets a bool value indicating whether the RadToggleButton control uses the client browser's submit mechanism or the ASP.NET postback mechanism.
Value Value associated with the button.
Width Sets the width of the button.
Height Get/Set the height of the button.
SelectedToggleSate Gets or sets the current state of the button.
SelectedToggleSateIndex Gets or sets the index of the currently selected ToggleState of the Button control, when used as a custom toggle button.
ToggleSates Collection of type ButtonToggleState.

ButtonToggleState specific features (properties)

Property Description
Text Gets or sets the text displayed in the ButtonToggleState.
Value Value associated with the button.
Selected Gets or sets a bool value indicating whether the ToggleState is selected or not.
CssClass Defines the CSS class for the ButtonToggleState.
HoveredCssClass Gets or sets the CSS class when the mouse pointer is hovered over the ButtonToggleState control.
PressedCssClass Gets or sets the CSS class when the ButtonToggleState control is pressed.
Width Sets the width of the ButtonToggleState.
Height Get/Set the height of the ButtonToggleState.
CommandName Gets or sets the command name associated with the RadToggleButton control that is passed to the Command event.
CommandArgument Gets or sets an optional parameter passed to the Command event along with the associated CommandName.

Icon specific features (properties)

Property Description
Url Gets or sets the URL to the image used as an icon.
HoveredUrl Gets or sets the URL to the image showed when the icon is hovered.
PressedUrl Gets or sets the URL to the image showed when the icon is pressed.
Height Gets or sets the height of the icon.
Width Gets or sets the width of the icon.
CssClass Gets or sets the CSS class applied to the icon.
HoveredCssClass Gets or sets the CSS class applied to the RadToggleButton control when the mouse pointer is over the control.
PressedCssClass Defines the CSS class of the icon element, when the RadToggleButton is pressed.
Top Gets or sets the top edge of the icon, relative to the RadToggleButton control's wrapper element.
Left Gets or sets the left edge of the icon, relative to the RadToggleButton control's wrapper element.

Image specific features (properties)

Property Description
Url Specifies the path to the image.
DisabledUrl Specifies the path to the image when the button is disabled.
HoveredUrl Specifies the path to the image when the mouse is over the RadToggleButton.
PressedUrl Specifies the path to the image of a pressed RadToggleButton.
Sizing Specifies the way the image is sized in the RadToggleButton. Available values are: Original and Stretch.

Server-side Events:

Property Description
OnClick Raised when the RadToggleButton performs a postback.
OnCommand Raised when the RadToggleButton performs a postback.
OnToggleStateChanged Raised when the state of the RadToggleButton has changed.

The event order is:

  1. OnToggleStateChanged

  2. OnClick

  3. OnCommand

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