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CSS Classes

Base CSS Classes

CSS Class Description
.RadTile RadTile Main Wrapper element
.RadTile div Styles DIV elements wrapped into Tile
.RadTile div:hover, .RadTile div:active, .RadTile div:focus Styles DIV elements wrapped into Tile hovered, active and focused states
.RadTile.rtileSquare Styles square tile
.RadTile.rtileWide Styles wide tile
.RadTile.rtileSelected Styles selected tile
.RadTile.rtileSelected .rtileSelectedIcon Styles selected tile selected icon
.RadTile.RadTextTile .rtileContent Styles TextTile content
.RadTile .rtileNavigation:hover
.RadTile .rtileSelectIntention .rtileSelectedIcon
.RadTile .rtileTopContent Styles Tile top content
.RadTile.RadImageAndTextTile .rtileTopContent Styles ImageAndTextTile top content
.RadTile.RadIconTile .rtileTopContent Styles IconTile top content
.RadTile .rtileTopContent .rtileIconImage Styles top content icon image
.RadTile .rtileTextWrap Styles Tile text wrap
.RadTile .rtileBottomContent Styles Tile bottom content
.RadTile .rtileBottomContent.rtileTitleIndent Styles bottom content Title indent
.RadTile .rtileBottomContent.rtileBadgeIndent Styles bottom content Badge indent
.RadTile .rtileBottomContent.rtileTitleIndent.rtileBadgeIndent Styles bottom content when have both Title and Badge
.RadTile.rtileSquare .rtileBottomContent Styles square tile bottom content
.RadTile.rtileSquare .rtileBottomContent.rtileTitleIndent Styles square title bottom content title indent
.RadTile.rtileSquare .rtileBottomContent.rtileBadgeIndent Styles square title bottom content badge indent
.RadTile.rtileSquare .rtileBottomContent.rtileTitleIndent.rtileBadgeIndent Styles square tile when have both title and badge
.RadTile .rtileTitleIndent .rtileTitle Styles title indent
.RadTile .rtileTitleIndent .rtileBadgeIndent Styles badge indent
.RadTile .rtileTitleIndent img.rtileTitle Styles image title indent
.RadTile h6.rtileTitle Styles H6 Tile title
.RadTile div.rtileWrapper h6.rtileTitle Styles H6 Tile title
.RadTile img.rtileTitle Styles image Tile title
.RadTile .rtileBadge Styles tile badge
.RadTile .rtileBadgeIcon Styles tile Icon Badge
.RadTile .rtileActivityBadge, .RadTile .rtileAlertBadge, .RadTile .rtileAvailableBadge, .RadTile .rtileAwayBadge, .RadTile .rtileBusyBadge, .RadTile .rtileUnavailableBadge, .RadTile .rtileNewMessageBadge, .RadTile .rtilePausedBadge, .RadTile .rtilePlayingBadge, .RadTile .rtileErrorBadge, .RadTile .rtileAttentionBadge Styles predefined badges states
.RadTile.rtileRtl .rtileImageWrap
.RadTile.rtileRtl .rtileSelectedTile .rtileSelectedIcon
.RadTile.rtileRtl .rtileTitle Styles Tile title in RTL mode
.RadTile.rtileRtl img.rtileTitle Styles image Tile image title in RTL mode
.RadTile.rtileRtl .rtileBadge Styles Tile Badge in RTL mode
.RadTile.rtileLoading Styles loading elements when it is placed on the wrapper element
.RadTile .rtileLoading Styles loading element when it is placed inside the wrapper element

Skin Specific CSS Classes

CSS Class Description
.RadTile_Default Styles main wrapper element
.RadTile_Default.rtileSelected Styles selected tile
.RadTile_Default.rtileHovered Styles hovered tile
.RadTile_Default.rtileSelected.rtileHovered Styles selected hovered tile
.RadTile_Default.rtileSelected .rtileSelectedIcon Styles selected tile selected icon
html .RadTile_Default.RadTile h6.rtileTitle Styles tile h6 title
.RadTile_Default .rtilePeekContent Styles Peek Content
.RadTile_Default.rtileLoading Styles loading elements when it is placed on the wrapper element
.RadTile_Default .rtileLoading Styles loading element when it is placed inside the wrapper element

See Also

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