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Migrating From RadTabStrip Classic to RadTabStrip for ASP.NET Ajax

To migrate a Web application from RadTabStrip "Classic" to RadTabStrip "for ASP.NET Ajax" you need to follow these steps:

  1. Make sure you have installed ASP.NET AJAX. Info can be found at

  2. If your web application is not using ASP.NET AJAX you need to configure it to do so. Detailed instructions can be found at (Look for the topic called "Adding ASP.NET AJAX Configuration Elements to an Existing Web Site".)

  3. Add a ScriptManager control to the page (or user control) in which you want to add any RadControls "for ASP.NET Ajax". If your page is a content page you can add the ScriptManager control in your master page. For further details about the ScriptManager control, see

  4. Drag and drop a control from the RadControls "for ASP.NET Ajax" package or manually copy the Telerik.Web.UI.dll in the Bin folder.

  5. Replace the classic RadTabStrip directive<%@ Register TagPrefix="rad" Namespace="Telerik.WebControls" Assembly="RadTabStrip.NET2" %>with the new one of RadTabStrip for ASP.NET Ajax:<%@ Register Assembly="Telerik.Web.UI" Namespace="Telerik.Web.UI" TagPrefix="telerik" %>

Differences between RadTabStrip "classic" and RadTabStrip for ASP.NET Ajax

RadTabStrip for ASP.NET Ajax has changed: All of the client-side properties and methods' names have changed along with several server API changes. Some properties and methods have been completely removed, while new ones have been added. The control's client-side API is not backward-compatible with RadTabStrip Classic edition. All the changes included in the control are listed below:

Server-side API changes

In the RadTabStrip server-side API, a few properties have been removed or renamed and a few type names have changed:

Type names

A number of type names have changed in order to comply with the naming convention of the other navigation controls. The following table lists the type name changes:


RadTabStrip Classic RadTabStrip for ASP.NET Ajax
Tab RadTab
PageView RadPageView
TabCollection RadTabCollection
RadTabStripOrientation TabStripOrientationHorizontalTopToBottom renamed to HorizontalTopHorizontalBottomToTop renamed to HorozintalBottomVerticalLeftToRight renamed to VerticalLeftVerticalRightToLeft renamed to VerticalRight
ScrollButtonsPosition TabStripScrollButtonsPosition
TabStripEventArgs RadTabStripEventArgs
TabStripEventHandler RadTabStripEventHandler
PageViewItemCreatedDelegate RadMultiPageEventHandlerIts arguments are also different: public delegate void RadTabStripEventHandler(object sender, RadTabStripEventArgs e)


The following table lists the changes to the RadTabStrip object:


RadTabStrip Classic RadTabStrip for ASP.NET Ajax
EnableImmediateNavigation Removed
InnerMostSelectedTab Renamed to InnermostSelectedTab
ReorderTabRows Renamed to ReorderTabsOnSelect
OnClientTabEnabled Removed
OnClientTabDisabled Removed
GetAllTabs Return type changed to IList

RadTab Class

The following table lists the changes to the RadTab (formerly Tab) object:


RadTabStrip Classic RadTabStrip for ASP.NET Ajax
ImageOverUrl Renamed to HoveredImageUrl
ID Reserved for internal use only. Cannot be user-defined.

RadMultiPage Class

The following table lists the changes to the RadMultiPage object:


RadTabStrip Classic RadTabStrip for ASP.NET Ajax
AutoScrollBars ScrollBars (of type PageViewScrollBars)
PageViewItemCreated PageViewCreated

Client-side API changes

Due to the migration of the RadTabStrip control to the ASP.NET Ajax framework and to the Telerik.Web.UI suite, the client-side API is completely changed to match the naming convention of the new framework.

RadTabStrip Class

The following table lists the changes to the RadTabStrip client-side object:


RadTabStrip Classic RadTabStrip for ASP.NET Ajax
Disable() disable() or set_enabled(false)
Enable() enable() or set_enabled(true)
GetAllTabs() get_allTabs()
FindTabByUrl() findTabByUrl()
FindTabByText() findTabByText()
FindTabById() removed: tab ID is not rendered to preserve output.
FindTabByValue() findTabByValue()
AttachEvent() get_events().addHandler can be used instead
DetachEvent() get_events().removeHandler can be used instead
ID get_id()
DomElement get_element()
Tabs get_tabs()The returned value is no longer Array. It is Telerik.Web.UI.RadTabCollection
for (var i=0; i<tabstrip.get_tabs().get_count();i++)
  var tab = tabstrip.get_tabs().getTab(i);


AllTabs get_allTabs()
SelectedTab get_selectedTab()
SelectedIndex get_selectedIndex()
Enabled get_enabled()

RadTab Class

The following table lists the changes to the RadTab client-side object:


RadTabStrip Classic RadTabStrip for ASP.NET Ajax
Disable() disable() or set_enabled(false)
Enable() enable() or set_enabled(true)
Select() select() or set_selected(true)
UnSelect() unselect() or set_selected(false)
SelectParents() selectParents()
Click() click()
SetCssClass() set_cssClass()
SetDisabledCssClass() set_disabledCssClass()
SetSelectedCssClass() set_selectedCssClass()
SetText() set_text()
DomElement get_element()
ImageDomElement get_imageElement()
ChildStripDomElement get_childListElement()
Tabs get_tabs()The returned value is no longer Array. It is Telerik.Web.UI.RadTabCollection
SelectedTab get_selectedTab()
SelectedIndex get_selectedIndex()
Parent get_parent()
TabStrip get_tabStrip()
Selected get_selected()
Enabled get_enabled()
Index get_index()
GlobalIndex removed
Text get_text()
Value get_value()
DepthLevel get_level()
get_attributes() – returns Telerik.Web.UI.AttributeCollection of custom attributes associated with the tab

RadTabCollection class (new)

The following table lists the methods of the new RadTabCollection client-side object:


Method Description
add() Adds a tab
insert() Inserts a tab
remove() Removes a tab
clear() Clears the tabs
getTab() Gets a tab from the Tabs collection
indexOf() Returns the index of a tab
removeAt() Removes a tab at a specified index
get_count() Returns the count of the tabs
trackChanges() Indicates the beginning of client-side changes that are meant to be persisted at the server.
commitChanges() Indicates the end of client-side changes that are meant to be persisted at the server.
In this article