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Client-side Programming Overview

Getting the RadRating client-side object:

RadRating creates a client-side object with the ClientID of the menu. You can obtain the reference using the following JavaScript code:

var rating = $find("<%= RadRating1.ClientID %>");

Once you have a reference to the control, you could use the following methods:

Methods of the RadRating client-side object.

Name Parameters Return Type Description
repaint Repaints the rating control and forces it to recalculate the size of its elements. Use this method when the control is in an initially hidden element
get_itemCount Number Number Gets the number of items (stars) in the rating control
get_value Number Gets the current value of the rating control
set_value Number Sets the current value of the rating control
get_selectionMode Telerik.Web.UI.RatingSelectionMode Gets the selection mode of the rating control
set_selectionMode Telerik.Web.UI.RatingSelectionMode Sets the selection mode of the rating control
get_precision Telerik.Web.UI.RatingPrecision Gets the rate precision of the rating control
set_precision Telerik.Web.UI.RatingPrecision Sets the rate precision of the rating control
get_orientation Telerik.Web.UI.Orientation Gets the orientation of the rating control
get_isDirectionReversed Boolean Returns a value, indicating whether the direction of the rating control is revered
get_enableToolTips Boolean Returns a value, indicating whether the rating control will display a browser toolip for its values
get_readOnly Boolean Returns a value, indicating whether the rating control is in read-only mode
set_readOnly Boolean Sets a value, indicating whether the rating control is in read-only mode
get_enabled Boolean Returns a value, indicating whether the rating control is enabled
set_enabled Boolean Sets whether the slider is enabled
get_itemData Array Gets information about the items of the rating

Methods of the RadRating client-side object for modifying client-side event handlers dynamically.

Name Parameters Return Type Description
add_load Function Adds a handler for the load event
remove_load Function Removes a handler for the load event
add_rating Function Adds a handler for the rating event
remove_rating Function Removes a handler for the rating event
add_rated Function Adds a handler for the rated event
remove_rated Function Removes a handler for the rated event
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