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Standalone Radio Button

In this help article you can learn how to use standalone radio buttons in your web application.

There might be scenarios where you need radio buttons outside of RadRadioButtonList. In such cases, you can use the RadRadioButton class in order to add a single radio button on the page.

Here is a list with the sections in this article:

  1. Basic Usage
  2. Programming
    1. Client Side
    2. Server Side
  3. Advanced Usage - Radio Button Behavior

Basic Usage

These steps illustrate how to include a single RadRadioButton, handle the client-side OnClientClicking event and the server-side OnCheckedChanged event:

  1. In the default page of a new ASP.NET AJAX-enabled Web Application, add a RadRadioButton control:


    <telerik:RadRadioButton runat="server" ID="RadioButton1" />
  2. Set the Text and Value properties to some desired values:


    <telerik:RadRadioButton runat="server" ID="RadioButton1" Value="radio" Text="Radio Button" />
  3. To handle the client-side clicking event, assign a JavaScript function to the OnClientClicking property:


    <telerik:RadRadioButton runat="server" ID="RadioButton1" Value="radio" Text="Radio Button" 
        OnClientClicking="OnClientClicking" />
        function OnClientClicking(sender, args) {
            args.set_cancel(!confirm("Are you sure?"));
  4. To handle the server-side CheckedChange event, assign a server-side function to the OnCheckedChanged property:


    <telerik:RadRadioButton runat="server" ID="RadioButton1" Value="radio" Text="Radio Button" 
        OnCheckedChanged="RadioButton1_CheckedChanged" />
        function OnClientClicking(sender, args) {
            args.set_cancel(!confirm("Are you sure?"));


    protected void RadioButton1_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
        Response.Write("You selected this Radio Button");


    Protected Sub RadioButton1_CheckedChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
        Response.Write("You selected this Radio Button")
    End Sub


Client Side

RadRadioButton creates a client-side object with the ClientID of the button. You can obtain the reference using the following JavaScript code:

  • Using the $find method:

    var radioButton = $find("<%= RadRadioButton1.ClientID %>");
  • Using the $telerik.findRadioButton method:

    var radioButton = $telerik.findRadioButton("<%= RadRadioButton1.ClientID %>");
  • Using the $get method to get the RadioButton's element and get the instance with the control property:

    var radioButton = $get("<%= RadRadioButton1.ClientID %>").control;

You can learn more about the available methods and events in the client-side API reference: Telerik.Web.UI.ButtonBase.CheckableButton.

Server Side

The example below shows how you can add a single RadRadioButton from the code-behind and achieve the same result as shown in the Basic Usage section.

Example 1: Adding a RadRadioButton programmatically.

<telerik:RadScriptManager runat="server" ID="RadScriptManager1"></telerik:RadScriptManager>

<asp:Panel runat="server" ID="Panel1"></asp:Panel>

    function OnClientClicking(sender, args) {
        args.set_cancel(!confirm("Are you sure?"));
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
    RadRadioButton radioButton = new RadRadioButton();
    radioButton.ID = "RadioButton1";
    radioButton.Value = "radio";
    radioButton.Text = "Radio Button";
    radioButton.OnClientClicking = "OnClientClicking";
    radioButton.CheckedChanged += RadioButton1_CheckedChanged;


protected void RadioButton1_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
    Response.Write("You selected this Radio Button");
Protected Sub Page_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
    Dim radioButton As New RadRadioButton()
    radioButton.ID = "RadioButton1"
    radioButton.Value = "radio"
    radioButton.Text = "Radio Button"
    radioButton.OnClientClicking = "OnClientClicking"
    AddHandler radioButton.CheckedChanged, AddressOf RadioButton1_CheckedChanged

End Sub

Protected Sub RadioButton1_CheckedChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)
    Response.Write("You selected this Radio Button")
End Sub

You can learn more about the available methods, properties and events in the server-side API reference: Telerik.Web.UI.ButtonBase.CheckableButton.

Advanced Usage

In the Basic Usage section, you learned how to include a single radio button. In a real scenario, radio buttons should act as if they are in a group and prevent multiple options from being checked. In order to accomplish that, further client-side logic is required to toggle the checked state of the buttons.

There are several options to achieve that. For example:

Example 1: Toggling checked state by using RadRadioButton IDs.

<telerik:RadRadioButton runat="server" ID="MaleRadioButton"
    AutoPostBack="false" Value="male" Text="Male"  OnClientClicked="toggleRadios">

<telerik:RadRadioButton runat="server" ID="FemaleRadioButton" 
    AutoPostBack="false" Value="female" Text="Female" OnClientClicked="toggleRadios">

    function toggleRadios(sender, args) {
        var buttonToUncheck = null;
        switch (sender.get_value()) {
            case "male":
                buttonToUncheck = $find("<%= FemaleRadioButton.ClientID %>");
            case "female":
                buttonToUncheck = $find("<%= MaleRadioButton.ClientID %>");

Example 2: Toggling checked state by using class name.

<telerik:RadRadioButton runat="server" ID="MaleRadioButton" CssClass="GenderRadioButton"
    AutoPostBack="false" Value="male" Text="Male"  OnClientClicked="toggleRadios">

<telerik:RadRadioButton runat="server" ID="FemaleRadioButton" CssClass="GenderRadioButton"
    AutoPostBack="false" Value="female" Text="Female" OnClientClicked="toggleRadios">

    function toggleRadios(sender, args) {
        var radioButtons = $telerik.$(".GenderRadioButton");

        radioButtons.each(function (index, element) {
            var radioButton = element.control;

            if (radioButton !== sender) {

See Also

In this article