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Operating with RadListView FilterExpressions Manually

As of Q1 2010 Telerik RadListView has build-in server-side API for creating and applying filter expressions. It gives you the ability to filter the data displayed in a RadListView control without creating complex database queries.

Adding FilterExpressions for RadListView

RadListView provides an intuitive way for building filter expressions through its FilterExpressions Add() and BuildExpression() methods listed below:

Method Return Type Parameters Description
Add() RadListViewFilterExpressionCollection RadListViewFilterExpression Adds the specified as an argument filter expression to the RadListView FilterExpressions collection.
BuildExpression() RadListViewFilterExpressionCollection Action (optional) A helper method for building filter expression hierarchy in a fluent like manner.

RadListView FilterExpression Types

The following table describes all filter expression types you can use when building RadListView FilterExpressions:

FilterExpression type Description
RadListViewContainsFilterExpression Represents Contains RadListView filter expression.
RadListViewGreaterThanFilterExpression Represents GreaterThan RadListView filter expression where T is the type of the field on which filter will be applied.
RadListViewGreaterThanOrEqualToFilterExpression Represents GreaterThan or EqualTo RadListView filter expression where T is the type of the field on which filter will be applied.
RadListViewGroupFilterExpression Represents a group of filter expressions.
RadListViewIsEmptyFilterExpression Represents IsEmpty RadListView filter expression.
RadListViewIsNotEmptyFilterExpression Represents IsEmpty RadListView filter expression.
RadListViewIsNotNullFilterExpression Represents IsNotNull RadListView filter expression.
RadListViewIsNullFilterExpression Represents IsNull RadListView filter expression.
RadListViewLessThanFilterExpression Represents LessThan RadListView filter expression where T is the type of the field on which filter will be applied.
RadListViewLessThanOrEqualToFilterExpression Represents LessThan or EqualTo RadListView filter expression where T is the type of the field on which filter will be applied.
RadListViewEqualToFilterExpression Represents EqualTo RadListView filter expression where T is the type of the field on which filter will be applied.
RadListViewNotEqualToFilterExpression Represents NotEqualTo RadListView filter expression where T is the type of the field on which filter will be applied.
RadListViewStartsWithFilterExpression Represents StartsWith RadListView filter expression.
RadListViewEndsWithFilterExpression Represents EndsWith RadListView filter expression.

Here are some examples illustrating how you can use the above types to create filter expressions and add them to the RadListView FilterExpressions collection:

RadListViewContainsFilterExpression expression1 = new
expression1.CurrentValue =
RadListViewGreaterThanFilterExpression<DateTime>("ShippedDate") {
CurrentValue = DateTime.Parse("7/10/1996") });
        Expressions =
= DateTime.Parse("7/10/1996")},
RadListViewEqualToFilterExpression<int>("OrderID"){CurrentValue =
Dim expression1 As RadListViewContainsFilterExpression = New RadListViewContainsFilterExpression("CustomerID")
expression1.CurrentValue = "ALFKI"
RadListView1.FilterExpressions.Add(New RadListViewGreaterThanFilterExpression(Of DateTime)("ShippedDate")
    With _{.CurrentValue = DateTime.Parse("7/10/1996")})
Dim group = New RadListViewGroupFilterExpression(RadListViewGroupFilterOperator.Or)
With group
    .Expressions.Add(New RadListViewGreaterThanFilterExpression(Of DateTime)("ShippedDate") With {.CurrentValue = DateTime.Parse("7/10/1996")})
    .Expressions.Add(New RadListViewEqualToFilterExpression(Of Integer)("OrderID") With {.CurrentValue = 42})
End With

BuildExpression() methods

Another possible approach for adding filter expressions to RadListView is using the BuildExpression() method and its methods listed here:

Method Parameters Description
Contains(string fieldName, string currentValue) fieldName is the name of the field which will be filtered; currentValue is the value to be filtered on Adds a Contains filter expression
EqualTo(string fieldName, T currentValue) fieldName is the name of the field which will be filtered; currentValue is the value to be filtered on Adds an EqualTo filter expression where T is the type of the field which will be filtered
NotEqualTo(string fieldName, T currentValue) fieldName is the name of the field which will be filtered; currentValue is the value to be filtered on Adds a NotEqualTo filter expression where T is the type of the field which will be filtered
GreaterThan(string fieldName, T currentValue) fieldName is the name of the field which will be filtered; currentValue is the value to be filtered on Adds a GreaterThan filter expression where T is the type of the field which will be filtered
GreaterThanOrEqualTo(string fieldName, T currentValue) fieldName is the name of the field which will be filtered; currentValue is the value to be filtered on Adds a GreaterThanOrEqualTo filter expression where T is the type of the field which will be filtered
Group(Action groupBuilder) groupBuilder is the inner group instance Adds a group of filter expressions
IsEmpty(string fieldName) fieldName is the name of the field which will be filtered Adds an IsEmpty filter expression
IsNotEmpty(string fieldName) fieldName is the name of the field which will be filtered Adds an IsNotEmpty filter expression
IsNull(string fieldName) fieldName is the name of the field which will be filtered Adds an IsNull filter expression
IsNotNull(string fieldName) fieldName is the name of the field which will be filtered Adds an IsNotNull filter expression
LessThan(string fieldName, T currentValue) fieldName is the name of the field which will be filtered; currentValue is the value to be filtered on Adds a LessThan filter expression where T is the type of the field which will be filtered
LessThanOrEqualTo(string fieldName, T currentValue) fieldName is the name of the field which will be filtered; currentValue is the value to be filtered on Adds a LessThanOrEqualTo filter expression where T is the type of the field which will be filtered
StartsWith(string fieldName, string currentValue) fieldName is the name of the field which will be filtered; currentValue is the value to be filtered on Adds a StartsWith filter
EndsWith(string fieldName, string currentValue) fieldName is the name of the field which will be filtered; currentValue is the value to be filtered on Adds a EndsWith filter
And() Adds an And operator between the filter expressions on its left and right side
Or() Adds an Or operator between the filter expressions on its left and right side

The following examples illustrate how you can use the BuildExpression() methods to create RadListView filter expressions:

.GreaterThan("ShippedDate", DateTime.Parse("7/10/1996"))
.Or().EqualTo("OrderID", 42).Build();
        .GreaterThan("ShippedDate", DateTime.Parse("7/10/1996"))
        .Or().EqualTo("OrderID", 42).Build()

When you are using the BuildExpression() methods to add filter expressions as shown above, you need to call the Build() at the end so the filter expressions are built and added to the RadListView FilterExpressions collection. Note that the Build() method could be called only once per expressions building. To check if the Build() method is already called, you can use the BuildExpression().IsBuild property.

.BuildExpression(expression => expression
.GreaterThan("ShippedDate", DateTime.Parse("7/10/1996"))
.Or().EqualTo("OrderID", 42)
.And().Group(group =>
.And().Contains("ShipCountry", "G")
 RadListView1.FilterExpressions.BuildExpression(Function(expression As RadListViewFilterExpressionFluentBuilder)
   expression.GreaterThan("ShippedDate", DateTime.Parse("7/10/1996")) _
     .Or().EqualTo("OrderID", 42).And().Group(Function(group As RadListViewFilterExpressionFluentBuilder) _
       group.IsNotEmpty("ShipCountry").And().Contains("ShipCountry", "G")))

RadListView filter expression enumerators

RadListView supplies the following enumerators to help you build the desired filter expressions:

Enumerator Values
RadListViewFilterFunction Contains
RadListViewGroupFilterOperator And

For a live example on how RadListView built-in filtering capabilities can be used, review the online demo here .

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