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Content Filters

This articles provides information about the built-in content filters of RadEditor and shows how you can implement a custom filter.

Filters in Telerik Editor for ASP.NET AJAX are small code snippets, which are called in a sequence to process the editor content when the modes(HTML, Design and Preview) are switched or when the page is submitted.

The built-in filters are exposed by the EditorFilters enumeration. They are listed in the following table, along with their description:

Built-in Content Filters

Member Description
None No filters
RemoveScripts This filter deletes the script tags to reduce the possibility of cross-site scripting and other script-related problems. You can examine more details about this filter in the Preventing Cross-site Scripting (XSS) article.
EncodeScripts This filter encodes all script tags from the content. You can examine more details about this filter in the Preventing Cross-site Scripting (XSS) article.
StripCssExpressions This filter strips CSS expressions to reduce the possibility of cross-site scripting. You can examine more details about this filter in the Preventing Cross-site Scripting (XSS) article.
StripDomEventAttributes This filter removes attribute DOM events from the HTML elements to reduce the possibility of cross-site scripting. You can examine more details about this filter in the Preventing Cross-site Scripting (XSS) article.
MakeUrlsAbsolute This filter makes all src and href attributes in the editor content have absolute URLs.
FixUlBoldItalic This filter remove deprecated U tags and replace them with CSS - XHTML.
FixEnclosingP This filter removes a paragraph if the whole content is inside it.
IECleanAnchors This filter removes the current page href from all anchor (#) links
MozEmStrong This filter changes b,strong and i,em in Mozilla browsers
ConvertTags This filter changes <b>, <i> and <strike> tags successively to <strong>, <em> and <del>.
ConvertFontToSpan This filter changes deprecated font tags to compliant span tags
OptimizeSpans This filter changes/removes unneeded span elements
ConvertToXhtml This filter converts the HTML from the editor content area to valid XHTML
IndentHTMLContent This filter indents the HTML content so it is more readable when you view the code
ConvertCharactersToEntities This filter converts reserved characters to their html entity names.
ConvertInlineStylesToAttributes This filter converts XHTML compliant inline style attributes to Email compliant element attributes.
PdfExportFilter This filter fixes some pdf export issues.
RemoveExtraBreaks This filter strips all extra brakes inside some tags like p, h1, etc.
DefaultFilters This filter enables all default filters (RemoveScripts, FixUlBoldItalic, IECleanAnchors, MozEmStrong, ConvertFontToSpan, ConvertToXhtml, IndentHTMLContent, EncodeScripts, OptimizeSpans, ConvertCharactersToEntities, ConvertTags, StripCssExpressions, RemoveExtraBreaks).


<telerik:RadEditor RenderMode="Lightweight" ID="RadEditor1" ContentFilters="MakeUrlsAbsolute,FixEnclosingP" runat="server" />
RadEditor1.ContentFilters = Telerik.Web.UI.EditorFilters.MakeUrlsAbsolute | Telerik.Web.UI.EditorFilters.FixEnclosingP;
RadEditor1.ContentFilters = Telerik.Web.UI.EditorFilters.MakeUrlsAbsolute Or Telerik.Web.UI.EditorFilters.FixEnclosingP

You can enable and disable filters individually using server-side code:

RadEditor1.EnableFilter(Telerik.Web.UI.EditorFilters.FixEnclosingP); RadEditor1.DisableFilter(Telerik.Web.UI.EditorFilters.MakeUrlsAbsolute);

For example to disable the RemoveScript server method of RadEditor, which strips the SCRIPT tags in the content area. set RadEditor1.DisableFilter(EditorFilters.RemoveScripts);

Implementing a Custom Filter

There are two steps that you should take to implement a custom filter:

  1. Create a JavaScript function/class that implements one or more of the following filter methods:

    • getDesignContent(content) - Called when the editor is moving from some other mode to DESIGN mode

    • getHtmlContent(content) - Called when the editor is moving from some other state to HTML mode

    • set_description(string) - specifies a more detailed description for the module

    • set_name(string) - specifies the name of the module

    • set_enabled(boolean) - enable or disable the module depending on the boolean parameter

    • set_isDom(boolean) - specifies whether the filter will work with DOM objects or String, e.g. the boolean parameter specifies whether the content parameter of the getHtmlContent(content) and getDesignContent(content) functions will return DOM objects or String.The filter used in the Custom Content Filters demo is of type string and converts the lowercase letters to uppercase

    • MyFilter.initializeBase(this) - the initialization function of the module

  2. Register the filter with the editor. The best way to achieve this is to register an OnClientLoad function that instantiates the filter and adds it to the filters manager.

Custom Filter Example

The filter modifies the editor content so that in HTML mode it is presented with capital letters while in Design mode, it is shown in lower-case letters. This is a fairly simplistic and unrealistic scenario that is only used to demonstrate what is necessary to create and "hook" a filter into Telerik RadEditor. In a real life scenario, the filter would likely employ a number of regular expressions of varying complexity that will make the necessary changes to the content.

<telerik:RadEditor RenderMode="Lightweight" runat="server" ID="RadEditor1" OnClientLoad="OnClientLoad">
<script type="text/javascript">
    function OnClientLoad(editor, args)
        editor.get_filtersManager().add(new MyFilter());
    MyFilter = function()
        this.set_name("RadEditor filter");    
        this.set_description("RadEditor filter description");
    MyFilter.prototype =
        getHtmlContent : function(content)    
            var newContent = content;      
            //Make changes to the content and return it      
            newContent = newContent.toUpperCase();      
            return newContent;    
        getDesignContent : function(content)    
            var newContent = content;
            //Make changes to the content and return it      
            newContent = newContent.toUpperCase();
            return newContent;
    MyFilter.registerClass('MyFilter', Telerik.Web.UI.Editor.Filter);

See Also

In this article