Keyboard Support
Ways to activate the RadColorPicker control:
You can focus the elements of the color picker using the Tab key or, alternatively, you can use a shortcut if you set the AccessKey property (press "Alt + AccessKey" ("Shift + Alt + AccessKey" for Firefox and "Shift + Esc" and then AccessKey for Opera). Press Tab to move the focus to the next element in the color picker.
Note: By default tab-access is disabled in Safari. To enable it, check "Preferences > Advanced > Press tab to highlight each item on a page".
Supported keys and how they control the behavior of RadColorPicker:
Depending on the different configurations of RadColorPicker, the AccessKey gives focus to different elements in the color picker:
In case ShowIcon is set to true, the AccessKey gives focus to the button element that opens the pop-up palette. Once the focus is set to that button, press "Alt + DownArrow/UpArrow" or Enter to open/close the pop-up palette. After the color picker has received the focus, you can also use the Esc key to close the pop-up palette.
In case ShowIcon is set to false and the tabstrip of the color picked is rendered, the AccessKey gives focus to the first tab in the tabstrip. Pressing the Tab key navigates forward amongst tabs. Shift + Tab navigates backwards. When one of the tabs in the tabstrip is focused, you can use the Enter key to select the active tab.
In case ShowIcon is set to false and PaletteModes is set to WebPalette, the AccessKey gives focus to the first color box in the palette. When the focus is in the WebPalette palette, you can use the DownArrow/UpArrow/LeftArrow/RightArrow key to navigate amongst color boxes. Note that this functionality works best in case the colors are unique in the palette, that is, no color is added more than once in the Items collection.Pressing Enter will select the active color.
In case ShowIcon is set to false and PaletteModes is set to RGBSliders, HSV or HSB, the AccessKey gives focus to the R input in the palette. Pressing the Tab key will navigate forward amongst inputs. "Shift + Tab" will navigate backwards. Enter will set the current color as selected.
Once the focus is set to one of the elements in the color picker, you can use the Tab key to iterate through all the elements in the color picker. In case you have specified a TabIndex for the color picker, this TabIndex is applied to all elements in the control.