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The class holding the settings for the Telerik.Web.UI.RadDateInput control which are used to determine the date input behavior.

Inheritance Hierarchy

  • System.Object
  • Telerik.Web.UI.InputSetting : IStateManager
  • Telerik.Web.UI.DateInputSetting : IRadDateInput


BehaviorID String

Gets or sets a value to access the client-side behavior.


In cases where you would like to access the client-side behavior for your setting from script code in the client, you can set this BehaviorID to simplify the process. See example below:

ClearValueOnError Boolean

Gets or sets a value indicating whether the value entered into the textbox should be cleared on error.

ClientEvents InputManagerClientEvents

Gets or sets an instance of the InputManagerClientEvents class which defines the JavaScript functions (client-side event handlers) that are invoked when specific client-side events are raised.

Culture CultureInfo

Gets or sets the culture used by RadDateSetting to format the date.

DateFormat String

Gets or sets the date and time format used by RadDateSetting.

DisabledCssClass String

Gets or sets the css style for TextBox when when the control is disabled.

DisplayDateFormat String

Gets or sets the display date format used by RadDateSetting.(Visible when the control is not on focus.)

EmptyMessage String

Gets or sets a value message shown when the control is empty.


Shown when the control is empty and loses focus. You can set the empty message text through EmptyMessage property.

EmptyMessageCssClass String

Gets or sets the css style for TextBox when when the control is empty.

EnabledCssClass String

Gets or sets the css style for enabled TextBox control.

ErrorMessage String

Gets or sets the text for the error message displayed in the control when validation fails.

FocusedCssClass String

Gets or sets the css style for invalid state of TextBox control.

HoveredCssClass String

Gets or sets the css style for hovered TextBox control.

InitializeOnClient Boolean

Gets or sets a value indicating the control should be initialized on client or not.

InvalidCssClass String

Gets or stes the css style for invalid state of TextBox control.

IsValid Boolean

Gets if the TargetControls in the InputSettings are successfully validated.

MaxDate DateTime

Gets or sets the largest date value allowed by RadDateSetting.

MinDate DateTime

Gets or sets the smallest date value allowed by RadDateSetting.

ReadOnlyCssClass String

Gets or sets the css style for Read Only state of TextBox control.

SelectionOnFocus SelectionOnFocus

Gets or sets whether the text in the control selected on focus and how.

ShortYearCenturyEnd Int32

Gets or sets a value that indicates the end of the century that is used to interpret the year value when a short year (single-digit or two-digit year) is entered in the input.

TargetControls TargetControlCollection

Gets a collection of TargetInput objects that allows for specifying the objects for which input will be created on the client-side.


Use the TargetControls collection to programmatically control which objects should be inputtipified on the client-side.

Validation InputSettingValidation

Gets an instance of the InputSettingValidation class which defines the validation behavior.



Validates the specified control with supplied context.


input System.Web.UI.WebControls.TextBox

The control.

context System.Object

The context.




Validates the specified control.


input System.Web.UI.WebControls.TextBox

The control.




Validates the specified control.


input System.Web.UI.WebControls.TextBox

The control.




Validates the specified control with supplied context.


input System.Web.UI.WebControls.TextBox

The control.

context System.Object

The context.



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