
RadTabView Beta provides two layouts out of the box. These are TabStripOverflowLayout and TabStripScrollLayout. The default layout is the scroll layout. The tab view layouts share a common base class called TabStripLayoutBase which in turn implements the TabStripLayout interface.


TabStripScrollLayout arranges tabs in a scroll view. If the maximum number of visible tabs is exceeded, the user can scroll to see the remaining tabs. Using TabStripScrollLayout is as easy as creating an instance:

this.tabView.getTabStrip().setTabStripLayout(new TabStripScrollLayout());


TabStripOverflowLayout puts tabs in a popup after the number of tabs exceeds max tabs. The popup is closed when a tab from the popup is selected or when the user taps outside the popup. To use TabStripOverflowLayout simply create an instance:

this.tabView.getTabStrip().setTabStripLayout(new TabStripOverflowLayout());

Max visible tabs

All layouts have a maxVisibleTabs property. It determines how many tabs will be shown on screen. If there are more tabs they will be shown in a scroll view for TabStripScrollLayout or in a popup for TabStripOverflowLayout;
