RadChartView: Financial Series

The financial series are represented by the OhlcSeries and CandlestickSeries classes. They must be added to RadCartesianChartView and the chart must be configured with a CategoricalAxis and a NumericalAxis. Both financial series use OhlcDataPoint for data points internally and they only differ in the way they visualize the data point. OHLC stands for Open, High, Low and Close. A more detailed explanation of an OHLC and a Candlestick chart can be found here and here respectively. To populate a financial series with data developers need to set five bindings in contrast with only two for a BarSeries for example. Like any categorical series both financial series need a category binding. In addition they need bindings for the financial components. These are an open binding, a high binding, a low binding and a close binding.


To initialize a sample financial chart the following code can be used:

    RadCartesianChartView chartView = new RadCartesianChartView(context); // context is an instance of Context.

    CandlestickSeries series = new CandlestickSeries();
    series.setCategoryBinding(new FieldNameDataPointBinding("category"));
    series.setOpenBinding(new FieldNameDataPointBinding("open"));
    series.setHighBinding(new FieldNameDataPointBinding("high"));
    series.setLowBinding(new FieldNameDataPointBinding("low"));
    series.setCloseBinding(new FieldNameDataPointBinding("close"));


    CategoricalAxis horizontalAxis = new CategoricalAxis();

    LinearAxis verticalAxis = new LinearAxis();

    ViewGroup rootView = (ViewGroup)this.findViewById(R.id.container);
    RadCartesianChartView chartView = new RadCartesianChartView(this);

    CandlestickSeries series = new CandlestickSeries();
    series.CategoryBinding = new OhlcDataBinding("category");
    series.OpenBinding = new OhlcDataBinding("open");
    series.HighBinding = new OhlcDataBinding("high");
    series.LowBinding = new OhlcDataBinding("low");
    series.CloseBinding = new OhlcDataBinding("close");

    series.Data = (Java.Lang.IIterable)this.GenerateOhlcData();

    CategoricalAxis horizontalAxis = new CategoricalAxis();
    chartView.HorizontalAxis = horizontalAxis;

    LinearAxis verticalAxis = new LinearAxis();
    chartView.VerticalAxis = verticalAxis;

    ViewGroup rootView = (ViewGroup)this.FindViewById(Resource.Id.container);

This example assumes that your root container has id container

Here are also the OhlcData class and the generateOhlcData() method:

    public class OhlcData {
        public String category;
        public int open;
        public int high;
        public int low;
        public int close;

    private ArrayList<OhlcData> generateOhlcData() {
        ArrayList<OhlcData> data = new ArrayList<OhlcData>();
        int size = 10;

        for (int i = 1; i <= size; ++i) {
            OhlcData ohlc = new OhlcData();
            ohlc.category = Integer.toString(i);
            ohlc.high = r.nextInt(100);
            if (ohlc.high < 2) {
                ohlc.high = 2;

            ohlc.low = r.nextInt(ohlc.high - 1);
            ohlc.open = ohlc.low + r.nextInt(ohlc.high - ohlc.low);
            ohlc.close = ohlc.low + r.nextInt(ohlc.high - ohlc.low);


            return data;
    public class OhlcData : Java.Lang.Object {
        public String category;
        public int open;
        public int high;
        public int low;
        public int close;

    private Java.Util.ArrayList GenerateOhlcData() {
        Random r = new Random();
        Java.Util.ArrayList data = new Java.Util.ArrayList();
        int size = 10;

        for (int i = 1; i <= size; ++i) {
            OhlcData ohlc = new OhlcData();
            ohlc.category = i.ToString();
            ohlc.high = r.Next(100);
            if (ohlc.high < 2) {
                ohlc.high = 2;

            ohlc.low = r.Next(ohlc.high - 1);
            ohlc.open = ohlc.low + r.Next(ohlc.high - ohlc.low);
            ohlc.close = ohlc.low + r.Next(ohlc.high - ohlc.low);


        return data;

    class OhlcDataBinding : DataPointBinding {

        private string propertyName;

        public OhlcDataBinding(string propertyName)
            this.propertyName = propertyName;

        public override Java.Lang.Object GetValue (Java.Lang.Object p0)
            switch (propertyName) {
                case "category":
                    return ((OhlcData)(p0)).category;
                case "open":
                    return ((OhlcData)(p0)).open;
                case "high":
                    return ((OhlcData)(p0)).high;
                case "low":
                    return ((OhlcData)(p0)).low;
                case "close":
                    return ((OhlcData)(p0)).close;
            return null;

Finally, here's the result:


The OhlcSeries class is identical in terms of usage and initialization.


You can also customize the appearance of the financial series by using palettes.