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How to: Execute a Parameterized Query

This topic shows how to execute a LINQ query with parameters by using OpenAccessContext. The example passes one parameter, executes the query, and iterates through the collection of Customer items.

To run the code in this example, you need a fluent model based on the Northwind database.

The following code is the LINQ example.

  • C#
  • VB
using (FluentModel dbContext = new FluentModel())
   IQueryable<Customer> customersQuery = from customer in dbContext.Customers
                                         where customer.Country == "Germany"
                                         select customer;
   Console.WriteLine("Customer IDs: ");
   foreach (var item in customersQuery)
Using dbContext As New FluentModel()
 Dim customersQuery As IQueryable(Of Customer) = From customer In dbContext.Customers
                                                 Where customer.Country = "Germany"
                                                 Select customer
 Console.WriteLine("Customer IDs: ")
 For Each item In customersQuery
 Next item
End Using

See Also