Data Access has been discontinued. Please refer to this page for more information.

BackendInformation Configuration

The BackendInformation class returns information about the opened connection to a specific relational backend. The BackendInformation object is accessible through the BackendInfo property that is exposed by the BackendConfiguration class.

The BackendInformation class exposes the following properties:

  • MajorVersion - gets the major version number reported by the connected relational server.
  • MinorVersion - gets the minor version number reported by the connected relational server.
  • ExtensionName - gets the name that can be used to mark mapping notes backend specific.
  • Name - gets the name of the backend.
  • ProviderFactory - gets the System.Data.Common.DbProviderFactory of the backend.
  • Backend - gets the backend identifier for the currently used backend.
  • SupportsTemporaryTables - indicates whether the currently used backend supports temporary tables.
  • MaximumNumberOfInValues - gets the maximum number of values for an SQL IN clause for the current backend.
  • MaximumNumberOfQueryParameters - gets the maximum number of parameters for a single SQL query for the current backend.
  • Delimiters - gets the delimiters for table and column names for the current backend.
  • ParameterPrefix - gets the prefix which is put in front of parameter names in the current backend.

Exposing the BackendInfo Property through a Context Instance

You can expose the BackendInfo property through the context class of your model by extending it in a separate code file as follows:

  • C#
  • VB
public partial class FluentModel
    private IObjectScope objectScope;

    public Telerik.OpenAccess.BackendConfiguration.BackendInformation BackendInfo
            if (this.objectScope == null)
                this.objectScope = this.GetScope();
            return this.objectScope.Database.BackendConfiguration.BackendInfo;
Partial Public Class FluentModel

    Private _objectScope As IObjectScope

    Public ReadOnly Property BackendInfo As BackendConfiguration.BackendInformation
            If Me._objectScope Is Nothing Then
                Me._objectScope = Me.GetScope()
            End If

            Return Me._objectScope.Database.BackendConfiguration.BackendInfo
        End Get
    End Property

End Class

Afterwards you can access the properties exposed by the BackendInformation class as show in the following code snippets:

using (FluentModel context = new FluentModel())
    int maxInVals = context.BackendInfo.MaximumNumberOfInValues; 
    int maxQueryParameters = context.BackendInfo.MaximumNumberOfQueryParameters;
    bool supportsTempTables = context.BackendInfo.SupportsTemporaryTables;
    string[] delimiters = context.BackendInfo.Delimiters;
    string parameterPrefix = context.BackendInfo.ParameterPrefix;
    int majorVersion = context.BackendInfo.MajorVersion;
    int minorVersion = context.BackendInfo.MinorVersion;
    string name = context.BackendInfo.Name;
    string extensionName = context.BackendInfo.ExtensionName;
    Backend backendIdentifier = context.BackendInfo.Backend;
    DbProviderFactory dbProviderFactory = context.BackendInfo.ProviderFactory;
Using context As New FluentModel()
    Dim maxInVals As Integer = context.BackendInfo.MaximumNumberOfInValues
    Dim maxQueryParameters As Integer = context.BackendInfo.MaximumNumberOfQueryParameters
    Dim supportsTempTables As Boolean = context.BackendInfo.SupportsTemporaryTables
    Dim delimiters As String() = context.BackendInfo.Delimiters
    Dim parameterPrefix As String = context.BackendInfo.ParameterPrefix
    Dim majorVersion As Integer = context.BackendInfo.MajorVersion
    Dim minorVersion As Integer = context.BackendInfo.MinorVersion
    Dim name As String = context.BackendInfo.Name
    Dim extensionName As String = context.BackendInfo.ExtensionName
    Dim backendIdentifier As Backend = context.BackendInfo.Backend
    Dim dbProviderFactory As DbProviderFactory = context.BackendInfo.ProviderFactory
End Using