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How to: Materialize Byte Array

This topic demonstrates how to materialize byte array.

To run the samples in this topic, you need to use\import the System.Data, System.Data.Common and Telerik.OpenAccess.Data.Common namespaces.

Suppose, you have a table with a column of type image. Basically, you need to use the generic ExecuteQuery<T> method of the OpenAccessContext.

  • C#
  • VB
private static void MaterializeByteArray()
   using ( FluentModel dbContext = new FluentModel() )
       const string SqlQuery = "SELECT Picture FROM Categories";

       IList<byte[]> pictures = dbContext.ExecuteQuery<byte[]>( SqlQuery );

       foreach ( byte[] bytes in pictures )
           int length = bytes != null
               ? bytes.Length
               : 0;
           Console.WriteLine( "Byte array length: {0}", length );
Private Sub MaterializeByteArray()
 Using dbContext As New FluentModel()
  Dim sqlQuery As String = "SELECT Picture FROM Categories"

  Dim pictures As IList(Of Byte()) = dbContext.ExecuteQuery(Of Byte())(sqlQuery)

  For Each bytes As Byte() In pictures
   Dim length As Integer = If(bytes IsNot Nothing, bytes.Length, 0)
   Console.WriteLine("Byte array length: {0}", length)
  Next bytes
 End Using
End Sub