Data Access has been discontinued. Please refer to this page for more information.

Select Fluent Model Type

This article is relevant to entity models that utilize the deprecated Visual Studio integration of Telerik Data Access. The current documentation of the Data Access framework is available here.

The Select Fluent Model Type screen allows you to choose the type of Fluent Model you wish to create depending on your scenario, the backend of your database and modify the name and namespace of the model.


You can make the following configurations from this screen:

  • Choose Telerik Data Access model type - allows you to select the type of Fluent Model you wish to create based on your scenario.
    • Populate from database - allows you to generate a Fluent Model from an existing database - Database First approach. With this approach the persistent classes and the mapping configuration will be automatically created based on the schema of the chosen database. Any updates made directly in the model will have to be pushed to the database using the UpdateSchema method.
    • Empty fluent model - generates a Context class and FluentMetadataSource class so that you can manually the persistent classes and mapping configuration of the model - Model First approach. When this option is used the database will have to be created from the model using the UpdateSchema method.
  • Backend - allows you specify the database engine for the database to which the model will be mapped. The dropdown contains a list of the supported backends:
    • Microsoft SQL Server
    • Oracle
    • MySql
    • Advantage Database Server
    • SQL Anywhere Server
    • Firebird
    • Microsoft SQL Azure
    • Microsoft SQL Server Compact
    • VistaDB
    • SQLite
    • PostgreSQL
  • Model Name - allows you to specify the name of the generated context class.
  • Model Namespace - allows you to specify the namespace for the classes of the generated Fluent Model.
    • Use the Project Namespace - when this setting is selected the classes of the model will be in the same namespace as the default for the project in which the model will be contained.
    • Use Custom Defined - allows you to specify a custom namespace for the model`s classes.