Data Access has been discontinued. Please refer to this page for more information.


This article is relevant to entity models that utilize the deprecated Visual Studio integration of Telerik Data Access. The current documentation of the Data Access framework is available here.

The MetaView class represents a view in the underlying database. During runtime, you could access all views that are available in the current container instance via the Views collection property of the MetadataContainer.

The MetaView is a derivation of the MetaTable class and is handled in the exact same manner during the runtime. It describes a view from the relational data store. The MetaView object does not bring any additional information.

The following example shows you how to extract information about the views in your database:

private string GetViews(Telerik.OpenAccess.Metadata.MetadataContainer container)
   StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
   foreach (MetaView view in container.Views)
       sb.AppendFormat("\nView: {0}", view.Name);
   return sb.ToString();
Private Function GetViews(ByVal container As Telerik.OpenAccess.Metadata.MetadataContainer) _
    As String
 Dim sb As New StringBuilder()
 For Each view As MetaView In container.Views
  sb.AppendFormat(vbLf & "View: {0}", view.Name)
 Next view
 Return sb.ToString()
End Function

The following example shows a sample XML representation of a MetaView element with two MetaColumn elements. Note that the MetaView element is represented in the same way as the MetaTable element. The only different is the view="true" attribute.

<orm:table name="vJobCandidateEmployment" schema="HumanResources" view="true">
 <orm:column name="JobCandidateID" sql-type="int" nullable="false" length="0" scale="0" 
    ado-type="Int32" />
 <orm:column name="Emp.StartDate" sql-type="datetime" nullable="true" length="0" scale="0" 
    ado-type="DateTime" />