Data Access has been discontinued. Please refer to this page for more information.


This article is relevant to entity models that utilize the deprecated Visual Studio integration of Telerik Data Access. The current documentation of the Data Access framework is available here.

The MetaJoinTableAssociation class represents a join table association in the Telerik Data Access metadata model. It derives from the MetaAssociation class. The MetaJoinTableAssociation class describes many-to-many associations between two classes and gives the following information:

  • JoinTable - gets the join table used by the current association.
  • FromConstraintName - gets the name of the foreign key constraint that is used to enforce the 'from end' of the association.
  • ToConstraintName - gets the name of the foreign key constraint that is used to enforce the 'to end' of the association.
  • KeyConstraintName - gets the name of the foreign key constraint that is used to associate the key values of this association with the join table.
  • SequenceColumn - gets the sequence column for the join table used by the current association.

The following example shows you how to access all many-to-many associations from your domain model:

private string GetMetaJoinTableAssociations(Telerik.OpenAccess.Metadata
    .MetadataContainer container)
   StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
   foreach (MetaAssociation metaAssociation in container.Associations)
       sb.AppendFormat("\nType: {0}", metaAssociation.AssociationType);
       MetaJoinTableAssociation manyToMany = metaAssociation as MetaJoinTableAssociation;
       if (manyToMany == null)
       sb.AppendFormat("\n\tSource: {0}", manyToMany.Source.Name);
       sb.AppendFormat("\n\tTarget: {0}", manyToMany.Target.Name);
   return sb.ToString();
Private Function GetMetaJoinTableAssociations(ByVal container As  _
    Telerik.OpenAccess.Metadata.MetadataContainer) As String
 Dim sb As New StringBuilder()
 For Each _metaAssociation As MetaAssociation In container.Associations
  sb.AppendFormat(vbLf & "Type: {0}", _metaAssociation.AssociationType)
  Dim manyToMany As MetaJoinTableAssociation = TryCast(_metaAssociation, MetaJoinTableAssociation)
  If manyToMany Is Nothing Then
   Continue For
  End If
  sb.AppendFormat(vbLf & vbTab & "Source: {0}", manyToMany.Source.Name)
  sb.AppendFormat(vbLf & vbTab & "Target: {0}", manyToMany.Target.Name)
 Next _metaAssociation
 Return sb.ToString()
End Function