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No Data Template

Starting in version 7.0.0, when all Chart series have no data to show, a default layout with No data text is displayed over the Chart. To customize the default layout content declare a <NoDataTemplate> tag inside a <ChartSettings> tag:

<TelerikButton OnClick="@UpdateData">@ButtonContent</TelerikButton>
<br />
<TelerikChart @ref="ChartRef" Width="800px" Height="400px">
    <ChartTitle Text="Product Sales Over the Years" Position="@ChartTitlePosition.Bottom"></ChartTitle>

        @* Define what should be shown when there's no data in the chart *@
            <p>No data available to display. Please add product data or check back later.</p>

        <ChartSeries Type="ChartSeriesType.Column"
                     Name="Product Sales"

@code {
    private const string Add = "Add Data";
    private const string Remove = "Remove Data";

    private TelerikChart ChartRef { get; set; }
    private List<ChartSeriesData> ChartData { get; set; } = new List<ChartSeriesData>();
    private string ButtonContent { get; set; } = Add;

    private void UpdateData()
        if (ChartData == null || ChartData?.Count() == 0)
            ChartData = ChartSeriesData.GenerateData();
            ButtonContent = Remove;
            // Clear the data
            ChartData = new List<ChartSeriesData>();
            ButtonContent = Add;
        ChartRef.Refresh(); // Refresh the Chart

    public class ChartSeriesData
        public int ProductSales { get; set; }
        public int Year { get; set; }

        public static List<ChartSeriesData> GenerateData()
            List<ChartSeriesData> data = new List<ChartSeriesData>
                new ChartSeriesData { ProductSales = 120, Year = 2020 },
                new ChartSeriesData { ProductSales = 180, Year = 2021 },
                new ChartSeriesData { ProductSales = 150, Year = 2022 },
                new ChartSeriesData { ProductSales = 210, Year = 2023 },
                new ChartSeriesData { ProductSales = 90,  Year = 2024 }

            return data;

See Also

In this article