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Save the State of TreeView Items


Product Telerik UI for ASP.NET MVC TreeView
Product Version Created with version 2024.4.1112


How can I save the expanded and checked state of the TreeView items on the server and preserve it the next time the data is loaded?


  1. Define a TreeView that binds to remote data and handle its Change event.
    .DataSource(dataSource => dataSource
        .Read(read => read
            .Action("Read", "Home")
        .Model(model =>
        .Events(events => events.Change("OnChange"))
function OnChange(e) {
        if (e.action == "itemchange") {
            var item = e.items[0];
            $.post('@Url.Action("Save", "Home")', { // Submit an AJAX request to the server and send the current state of the selected item.
                isChecked: item.checked,
                expanded: item.expanded

public void Save(int id, bool isChecked, bool expanded)
    UpdateModel(data.First(v => v.ID == id));

For a runnable example, refer to the ASP.NET MVC application in the UI for ASP.NET MVC Examples repository.

More ASP.NET MVC TreeView Resources

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