Available for: Windows 8.1 | Windows Phone 8.1


RadSideDrawer exposes a Commands collection that allows you to register SideDrawerCommand objects with each control's instance through the:

  • Commands property

Currently the RadSideDrawer supports SideDrawerCommands with the following Id:

GenerateAnimations : Executes each time the control needs to update its animations so you can get and modify them. The passed parameter is of type AnimationContext and it contains the following properties:

  • MainContentStoryBoard : This is the storyboard that holds the animations for the MainContent when it opens.
  • MainContentStoryBoardReverse : This is the storyboard that holds the animations for the MainContent when it closes.
  • DrawerStoryBoard : This is the storyboard that holds the animations for the Drawer when it opens.
  • DrawerStoryBoardReverse : This is the storyboard that holds the animations for the Drawer when it closes.

DrawerStateChanged : Executes when drawer changes its state.


public class CustomCommand : SideDrawerCommand
    public CustomCommand()
        this.Id = CommandId.GenerateAnimations;
    public override bool CanExecute(object parameter)
        return true;

    public override void Execute(object parameter)
        var context = parameter as AnimationContext;
        foreach (var item in context.MainContentStoryBoard.Children)
                (item as DoubleAnimation).To = 0;
        this.Owner.CommandService.ExecuteDefaultCommand(CommandId.GenerateAnimations, context);

        <local:CustomCommand />