Available for: Windows 8.1

Getting Started

In order to use Telerik RadRadialMenu control in your application you have to add reference to the Telerik UI for Windows Universal SDK:

Right-click on your project > Add Reference > Windows 8.1 > Extensions > Telerik UI for Windows Universal > OK.

You can alternatively use binaries. You will need to add reference to the the following assemblies:

  • Telerik.Core.dll
  • Telerik.UI.Xaml.Primitives.dll

To add them:
Right click on your project > Add Reference > Browse > C:\Program Files (x86)\Telerik\UI for Windows Universal Rx 20xx\Binaries > select the relevant assemblies > OK

To use RadRadialMenu in XAML you have to add the following namespace declaration:


RadRadialMenu as a Normal Menu

Here is an example demonstrating how to declare a new RadRadialMenu instance.


RadRadialMenu as a Context Menu

Here is an example demonstrating how to declare a RadRadialMenu instance as a context menu for a TextBlock. This can be done by attaching the Menu and Behavior properties of the RadRadialContextMenu class to the TextBlock target element.

If the Behavior attached property is not added, the menu will not be visualized.

<TextBlock Text="Some Text">
        <telerikPrimitives:RadialMenuTriggerBehavior AttachTriggers="Focused" />

See Also