Available for: Windows 8.1


Represents a MapBehavior that provides a context-sensitive information on a per map shape basis. Applicable when MapShapeLayer instances are added to the RadMap. The MapShapeToolTipBehavior exposes the following properties:

The MapShapeTooltipBehavior class inherits from the MapBehavior class - See the inherited properties.

  • TouchOverhang (Point): Gets or sets the offset to be applied when the tooltip position is calculated.
  • ShowDelay (TimeSpan): Gets or sets the delay to be applied before the tooltip is displayed.
  • IsOpen (bool): Gets a value indicating whether the tooltip is currently displayed.

Default ToolTip

Here is an example that demonstrates how to add a MapShapeToolTipBehavior to the RadMap control.

You have to set the ShapeLabelAttributeName property of the layer to which you would like to add a tooltip.

        <telerikMap:MapShapeLayer ShapeToolTipAttributeName="ADMIN_NAME">
                <telerikMap:ShapefileDataSource SourceUriString="ms-appx:///Data/global.shp" DataSourceUriString="ms-appx:///Data/global.dbf"/>
                <telerikMap:DesaturationColorizer BaseColor="#FFBD2E" AttributeName="SQKM_ADMIN" From="1" To="0" RangeCount="10">

Rad Map-Default Tooltip Behavior

Customizing the ToolTip Content

The content of the tooltip could be customized using the MapShapeToolTipBehavior.ContentTemplate attached property to the MapShapeLayer. Here is an example:

<telerikMap:RadMap Background="#2EC4FF">

                        <Run Text="{Binding Shape.Attributes[SQKM_ADMIN]}"/>
                        <Run Text="km"/>

                <telerikMap:ShapefileDataSource SourceUriString="ms-appx:///Data/global.shp" DataSourceUriString="ms-appx:///Data/global.dbf"/>
                <telerikMap:DesaturationColorizer BaseColor="#FFBD2E" AttributeName="SQKM_ADMIN" From="1" To="0" RangeCount="10">

This is the result:

Rad Map-Custom Text Tooltip Behavior

Customizing the ToolTip Container

The container of the tooltip could be customised with implicit Style that targets the MapTooltip class defined in the Telerik.UI.Xaml.Controls.Map.Primitives namespace. Here is an example:

        <Style TargetType="telerikMapPrimitives:MapToolTip">
            <Setter Property="Template">
                    <ControlTemplate TargetType="telerikMapPrimitives:MapToolTip">
                            <Ellipse Fill="Black"/>
                            <ContentPresenter Content="{TemplateBinding Content}" Margin="10"
                                              ContentTemplate="{TemplateBinding ContentTemplate}"/>

        <telerikMap:MapShapeLayer ShapeLabelAttributeName="ADMIN_NAME" IsToolTipEnabled="True" ShapeToolTipAttributeName="SQKM_ADMIN">
                <telerikMap:ShapefileDataSource SourceUriString="ms-appx:///Data/global.shp" DataSourceUriString="ms-appx:///Data/global.dbf"/>

This is the result:

Rad Map-Custom Container Tooltip Behavior

See Also