Available for: Windows 8.1


Represents a MapBehavior implementation that handles Pinch and Drag gestures and manipulates the relevant properties of the associated RadMap instance. The MapPanAndZoomBehavior exposes the following properties:

The MapPanAndZoomBehavior class inherits from the MapBehavior class - See the inherited properties.

  • IsPanEnabled (bool): Gets or sets a value indicating whether the Translation manipulation is handled by the behavior.
  • ZoomMode (MapZoomMode): Gets or sets a value that specifies how a Pinch gesture is processed by the behavior. Here are the available values:
  • ZoomToPoint: The map is zoomed to the contact point with the primary pointer that triggered the input.
  • ZoomToCenter: The map is zoomed its center regardless of the primary pointer that triggered the input.
  • None The map can not be zoomed through user input.
  • DoubleTapAction (MapDoubleTapAction): Gets or sets a value indicating how the double tap action is processed. Here are the available values:
  • Reset: The map is reset to initial state (Center and ZoomLevel properties are reset to initial values).
  • ZoomToPoint: The map is zoomed to the contact point with the primary pointer that triggered the input.
  • None: The map does not handle the double tap gesture.

Here is an example that demonstrates how to add a MapPanAndZoomBehavior to the RadMap control.

        <telerikMap:MapPanAndZoomBehavior ZoomMode="ZoomToCenter" DoubleTapAction="Reset"/>

See Also