Boolean Filter Descriptor

BooleanFilterDescriptor is a Descriptor which filters by property of System.Boolean data type.


  • PropertyName: Gets or sets the name of the property that is used to retrieve the value to filter by.
  • Value: Gets or sets the value used in the comparisons. This is the right operand of the comparison.

Now, we will show a simple example where we will filter by the PassesFilter property and the condition will be its value to be true:

<telerikGrid:RadDataGrid Width="300" VerticalAlignment="Center" x:Name="grid">
        <telerikGrid:BooleanFilterDescriptor PropertyName="PassesFilter" Value="true"/>

Here we create sample data and set it as ItemsSource of our DataGrid:

List<CustomData> data = new List<CustomData>
    new CustomData { Country = "Brazil", City = "Caxias do Sul", },
    new CustomData { Country = "Brazil", City = "Fortaleza", },
    new CustomData { Country = "Spain", City = "Malaga", PassesFilter = true },
    new CustomData { Country = "Bulgaria", City = "Koynare" },
    new CustomData { Country = "Spain", City = "Valencia", PassesFilter = true },
    new CustomData { Country = "Ghana", City = "Kade" },
    new CustomData { Country = "Brazil", City = "Porto Alegre" },
    new CustomData { Country = "Bulgaria", City = "Byala Slatina" },
    new CustomData { Country = "Brazil", City = "Joinville" },
this.grid.ItemsSource = data;

Where CustomData class defines our objects:

public class CustomData
    public string Country { get; set; }

    public string City { get; set; }

    public bool PassesFilter { get; set; }

The first picture shows our RadDataGrid before passing the filter and the second after filtering:

BooleanFilterDescriptor example