Available for: Windows 8.1 | Windows Phone 8.1


Except displaying sets of data, Telerik's RadDataGrid also allows you to execute an Edit operation.

Data Validation

RadDataGrid also supports Data Validation out of the box.

Besides using this functionality, you are able to control it via the several commands that provide an entry point for the key-points of the action:

Edit Mode

RadDataGrid supports several edit modes through the UserEditMode property. The possible values are:

  • Inline: User can edit the values using the inline row editor.
  • External: External control is used for editing.
  • None: Editing is not allowed.

Grid Edit Modes

External Editor

Our default implementation of external editor uses a RadDataForm control. Using the ExternalEditor property you can set your custom external editor. It has to implement the IGridExternalEditor interface, that requires the following members:


  • void BeginEdit(object item, RadDataGrid owner): Called when BeginEdit command is executed.
  • void CancelEdit(): This method is called when CancelEdit command is executed. Make sure that the EditCanceled event handler is called here. You can also call it from your editor to cancel the editing.
  • void CommitEdit(): This method is called when CommitEdit command is executed. Make sure that the EditCommitted event handler is called here. You can also call it from your editor to commit the changes.


  • event EventHandler EditCanceled: Used to notify the grid that the editing has been canceled. Make sure that this event handler is called in the CancelEdit() implementation.
  • event EventHandler EditCommitted: Used to notify the grid that the changes are ready to be committed. Make sure that this event handler is called in the CommitEdit() implementation.


  • Position (ExternalEditorPosition): Gets or sets the position at which the custom editor will be visualized. The possible values are { Right, Left }