DataBindingComplete Command

Provides a MVVM-friendly implementation of the RadDataGrid.DataBindingComplete event. This event is useful when additional logic is required over the already computed data View. Since RadDataGrid provides multi-threaded implementation of all the in-memory data operations like Grouping, Sorting and Filtering, this event is the safe entry point which grants that all the data-related operations are successfully completed and the data iew may be accessed and manipulated. The execution parameter is of type DataBindingCompleteEventArgs which expose the following properties:

  • DataView: Gets the Telerik.UI.Xaml.Controls.Grid.IDataView implementation that allows for traversing and/or manipulating the already computed data View.
  • ChangeFlags: Gets the flags that triggered the re-evaluation of the underlying raw data. The three flags are DataChangeFlags.Group, DataChangeFlags.Sort and DataChangeFlags.Filter.

The following example first creates a class that inherits from the DataGridCommand and then adds it to the RadDataGrid.Commands collection.

public class CustomDataBindingCompleteCommand : DataGridCommand
    public CustomDataBindingCompleteCommand()
        this.Id = CommandId.DataBindingComplete;

    public override bool CanExecute(object parameter)
        var context = parameter as DataBindingCompleteEventArgs;
        // put your custom logic here
        return true;

    public override void Execute(object parameter)
        var context = parameter as DataBindingCompleteEventArgs;
        // put your custom logic here               

Here is the XAML declaration:
