Available for: Windows 8.1 | Windows Phone 8.1

Inline Editor Icons

Some of the predefined editors in RadDataForm support inline icons which can be used instead of labels or to show that the property has an error.

To enable LabelIcon or/and ErrorIcon you can use the IconDisplayMode(None, Label, Error, All) of the editor. Then you can modify the default Icon's through the LabelIconStyle and ErrorIconStyle properties. Note, that the following editors support this feature:

  • StringEditor
  • NumericalEditor
  • DateEditor
  • TimeEditor


<Style TargetType="data:StringEditor">
    <Setter Property="IconDisplayMode" Value="Label" />
    <Setter Property="LabelIconStyle">
        <Style TargetType="SymbolIcon">
            <Setter Property="Symbol" Value="AddFriend" />