Available for: Windows 8.1 | Windows Phone 8.1

Linear Axis

The LinearAxis axis extends the base CartesianAxis class and plots the associated data points using each point's actual value, provided for the axis. The axis may work with both categorical and scatter data and the value that is passed to the axis depends on the chart series type. For example, if the axis is used to plot categorical data then it will take the Value property of each CategoricalDataPoint instance plotted. It will build a numerical range (user-defined or automatically calculated) and will determine each data point X or Y coordinate (depending on whether the axis is specified as Horizontal or as Vertical).


LinearAxis class inherits from the NumericalAxis class - See the inherited properties.

The following property is specific for the LinearAxis:

  • MajorStep (double): Specifies the step at which the major ticks are positioned on the axis. If this property is set to 0, the axis automatically calculate the step so that the data will be visualized in the best possible way.