Feedback Votes History

You can track down who has voted for a feedback item by going to the "Votes" tab while editing the feedback item.

There you can find information about the user who voted, the way he voted, if it is a licensed user or not and the exact time of the vote. Initially the votes will be sorted by date - latest on top, but if you prefer you can sort, filter or group the votes. 

How to add or delete votes

If you have the required "Add/Delete Additional Feedback Votes" permissions you will be allowed to add votes on behalf of some other person. To do so you have to click either the "Like" or the "Dislike" buttons located on top of the votes grid, depending of the vote type you want to enter. In the pop up window enter the name of the person you are voting for or some other important information and press the "Like/Dislike" button. The new vote will be automatically added to the votes grid. 

You are also allowed to delete the votes that were entered from this tab by simply selecting the vote to delete and pressing the delete button.