
Array of series definitions.Accepts the same options as the root series collection.Omitting the array and specifying a single series is also acceptable.



Configuration Attributes

aggregate java.lang.String

The aggregate function to apply for date series.This function is used when a category (an year, month, etc.) contains two or more points. The function return value is displayed instead of the individual points.The supported values are: "avg" - the average of all values for the date period.; "count" - the number of values for the date period.; "max" - the highest value for the date period.; "min" - the lowest value for the date period.; "sum" - the sum of all values for the date period. Defaults to 0 if no data points are defined.; "sumOrNull" - the sum of all values for the date period. Defaults to null if no data points are defined.; "first" - the first value; function(values, series, dataItems, category) - user-defined aggregate function. Returns single value or data item. or object - (compound aggregate) Applicable to "candlestick" and ohlc "series". Specifies the aggregate for each data item field..


<kendo:stockChart-navigator-seriesItem aggregate="aggregate">

axis java.lang.String

The name of the value axis to use.** Applicable to area, column, line, ohlc and candlestick series **


<kendo:stockChart-navigator-seriesItem axis="axis">

categoryField java.lang.String

The data item field which contains the category name or date.


<kendo:stockChart-navigator-seriesItem categoryField="categoryField">

closeField java.lang.String

The data field containing the close value.** Available for candlestick and ohlc series only **


<kendo:stockChart-navigator-seriesItem closeField="closeField">

color java.lang.String

The series base color. The supported values are: CSS color string, including hex and rgb or function(point) - user-defined function that will be evaluated for each point. Returning undefined will assume the default series color..


<kendo:stockChart-navigator-seriesItem color="color">

colorField java.lang.String

The data field containing the point color.** Applicable for column, candlestick and ohlc series. **


<kendo:stockChart-navigator-seriesItem colorField="colorField">

dashType java.lang.String

The dash type of line chart.The following dash types are supported: "dash" - a line consisting of dashes; "dashDot" - a line consisting of a repeating pattern of dash-dot; "dot" - a line consisting of dots; "longDash" - a line consisting of a repeating pattern of long-dash; "longDashDot" - a line consisting of a repeating pattern of long-dash-dot; "longDashDotDot" - a line consisting of a repeating pattern of long-dash-dot-dot or "solid" - a solid line.


<kendo:stockChart-navigator-seriesItem dashType="dashType">

data java.lang.Object

Array of data items. The data item type can be either a: Array of objects. Each point is bound to the specified series fields.; Array of numbers. Available for area, column and line series. or Array of arrays of numbers. Available for:OHLC and candlestick series (open, high, low, close).


<kendo:stockChart-navigator-seriesItem data="data">

downColor java.lang.String

The series color when the open value is greater than the close value.** Available for candlestick series only **


<kendo:stockChart-navigator-seriesItem downColor="downColor">

downColorField java.lang.String

The data field containing the color applied when the open value is greater than the close value.** Available for candlestick series only **


<kendo:stockChart-navigator-seriesItem downColorField="downColorField">

field java.lang.String

The data field containing the series value.


<kendo:stockChart-navigator-seriesItem field="field">

gap float

The distance between category clusters.** Applicable for column, candlestick and ohlc series. **


<kendo:stockChart-navigator-seriesItem gap="gap">

highField java.lang.String

The data field containing the high value.** Available for candlestick and ohlc series only **


<kendo:stockChart-navigator-seriesItem highField="highField">

line java.lang.String

Line options.** Applicable to area, candlestick and ohlc series. ** Further configuration is available via kendo:stockChart-navigator-seriesItem-line.


<kendo:stockChart-navigator-seriesItem line="line">

lowField java.lang.String

The data field containing the low value.** Available for candlestick and ohlc series **


<kendo:stockChart-navigator-seriesItem lowField="lowField">

missingValues java.lang.String

The behavior for handling missing values. The supported values are: "gap" - the plot stops before the missing point and continues after it.; "interpolate" - the value is interpolated from neighboring points. or "zero" - the value is assumed to be zero..


<kendo:stockChart-navigator-seriesItem missingValues="missingValues">

name java.lang.String

The navigator series name.


<kendo:stockChart-navigator-seriesItem name="name">

opacity float

The series opacity.


<kendo:stockChart-navigator-seriesItem opacity="opacity">

openField java.lang.String

The data field containing the open value.** Available for candlestick and ohlc series **


<kendo:stockChart-navigator-seriesItem openField="openField">

spacing float

Space between points as proportion of the point width.Available for column, candlestick and ohlc series.


<kendo:stockChart-navigator-seriesItem spacing="spacing">

stack java.lang.Object

A boolean value indicating if the series should be stacked. A string value is interpreted as navigator.series.stack.group. Further configuration is available via kendo:stockChart-navigator-seriesItem-stack.


<kendo:stockChart-navigator-seriesItem stack="stack">

style java.lang.String

The supported values are: "normal" - The values will be connected with straight line. or "step" - The values will be connected with a line with right angle..


<kendo:stockChart-navigator-seriesItem style="style">

type java.lang.String

The type of the series. Available types: candlestick, ohlc; column; bullet; area or line.


<kendo:stockChart-navigator-seriesItem type="type">

width float

The line width.** Applicable for line series. **


<kendo:stockChart-navigator-seriesItem width="width">

Configuration JSP Tags


The border of the points.** Applicable to column, ohlc and candlestick series **

More documentation is available at kendo:stockChart-navigator-seriesItem-border.




Configures the appearance of highlighted points.** Applicable to candlestick and ohlc series. **

More documentation is available at kendo:stockChart-navigator-seriesItem-highlight.




Configures the series data labels.

More documentation is available at kendo:stockChart-navigator-seriesItem-labels.




Line options.** Applicable to area, candlestick and ohlc series. **

More documentation is available at kendo:stockChart-navigator-seriesItem-line.




Marker options.** Applicable for area and line series. **

More documentation is available at kendo:stockChart-navigator-seriesItem-markers.




The effects overlay.

More documentation is available at kendo:stockChart-navigator-seriesItem-overlay.




A boolean value indicating if the series should be stacked. A string value is interpreted as navigator.series.stack.group.

More documentation is available at kendo:stockChart-navigator-seriesItem-stack.




The data point tooltip configuration options.

More documentation is available at kendo:stockChart-navigator-seriesItem-tooltip.



Event Attributes

aggregate String

The aggregate function to apply for date series.This function is used when a category (an year, month, etc.) contains two or more points. The function return value is displayed instead of the individual points.The supported values are: "avg" - the average of all values for the date period.; "count" - the number of values for the date period.; "max" - the highest value for the date period.; "min" - the lowest value for the date period.; "sum" - the sum of all values for the date period. Defaults to 0 if no data points are defined.; "sumOrNull" - the sum of all values for the date period. Defaults to null if no data points are defined.; "first" - the first value; function(values, series, dataItems, category) - user-defined aggregate function. Returns single value or data item. or object - (compound aggregate) Applicable to "candlestick" and ohlc "series". Specifies the aggregate for each data item field..


<kendo:stockChart-navigator-seriesItem aggregate="handle_aggregate">
    function handle_aggregate(e) {
        // Code to handle the aggregate event.

Event Tags


The aggregate function to apply for date series.This function is used when a category (an year, month, etc.) contains two or more points. The function return value is displayed instead of the individual points.The supported values are: "avg" - the average of all values for the date period.; "count" - the number of values for the date period.; "max" - the highest value for the date period.; "min" - the lowest value for the date period.; "sum" - the sum of all values for the date period. Defaults to 0 if no data points are defined.; "sumOrNull" - the sum of all values for the date period. Defaults to null if no data points are defined.; "first" - the first value; function(values, series, dataItems, category) - user-defined aggregate function. Returns single value or data item. or object - (compound aggregate) Applicable to "candlestick" and ohlc "series". Specifies the aggregate for each data item field..


            function(e) {
                // Code to handle the aggregate event.
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