
The configuration of the scheduler resource(s). A scheduler resource is optional metadata that can be associated with a scheduler event.



Configuration Attributes

dataColorField java.lang.String

The field of the resource data item which contains the resource color.


<kendo:scheduler-resource dataColorField="dataColorField">

dataParentValueField java.lang.String

The field of the resource data item which represents the parent resource item value where the current resource should be nested in. Used in hierarchical grouping scenarios where only part of the members of one resource should be grouped within a member of the previous (parent) resource.


<kendo:scheduler-resource dataParentValueField="dataParentValueField">

dataTextField java.lang.String

The field of the resource data item which represents the resource text.


<kendo:scheduler-resource dataTextField="dataTextField">

dataValueField java.lang.String

The field of the resource data item which represents the resource value. The resource value is used to link a scheduler event with a resource.


<kendo:scheduler-resource dataValueField="dataValueField">

field java.lang.String

The field of the scheduler event which contains the resource id.


<kendo:scheduler-resource field="field">

multiple boolean

If set to true the scheduler event can be assigned multiple instances of the resource. The scheduler event field specified via the field option will contain an array of resources. By default only one resource instance can be assigned to an event.


<kendo:scheduler-resource multiple="multiple">

name java.lang.String

The name of the resource used to distinguish resource. If not set the value of the field option is used.


<kendo:scheduler-resource name="name">

title java.lang.String

The user friendly title of the resource displayed in the scheduler edit form. If not set the value of the field option is used.


<kendo:scheduler-resource title="title">

valuePrimitive boolean

Set to false if the scheduler event field specified via the field option contains a resource data item. By default the scheduler expects that field to contain a primitive value (string, number) which corresponds to the "value" of the resource (specified via dataValueField).


<kendo:scheduler-resource valuePrimitive="valuePrimitive">
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