
If set to true the grid will display the column menu when the user clicks the chevron icon in the column headers. The column menu allows the user to show and hide columns, filter and sort (if filtering and sorting are enabled). By default the column menu is not enabled.Can be set to a JavaScript object which represents the column menu configuration.



Configuration Attributes

autoSize boolean

If set to true the column menu would allow the user to fit one or all columns to the width of their content. This setting is available only when the tabbed componentType is used.


<kendo:grid-columnMenu autoSize="autoSize">

clearAllFilters boolean

If set to true, the global column menu will render a button to allow the user to clear all filters applied to the grid.


<kendo:grid-columnMenu clearAllFilters="clearAllFilters">

columns boolean

If set to true the column menu would allow the user to select (show and hide) grid columns. By default the column menu allows column selection. Further configuration is available via kendo:grid-columnMenu-columns.


<kendo:grid-columnMenu columns="columns">

componentType java.lang.String

Specifies the component type of the column menu. "classic" - Uses the standard rendering of the column menu.; "modern" - Uses new rendering with a fresh and modern look and feel. or "tabbed" - Uses the rendering of the "modern" menu, but splits its content into different tabs..


<kendo:grid-columnMenu componentType="componentType">

filterable boolean

If set to true the column menu would allow the user to filter the grid. By default the column menu allows the user to filter if filtering is enabled via the filterable.


<kendo:grid-columnMenu filterable="filterable">

sortable boolean

If set to true the column menu would allow the user to sort the grid by the column field. By default the column menu allows the user to sort if sorting is enabled via the sortable option.


<kendo:grid-columnMenu sortable="sortable">

Configuration JSP Tags


If set to true the column menu would allow the user to select (show and hide) grid columns. By default the column menu allows column selection.

More documentation is available at kendo:grid-columnMenu-columns.




The text messages displayed in the column menu. Use it to customize or localize the column menu messages.

More documentation is available at kendo:grid-columnMenu-messages.


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