
The grouping configuration of the data source. If set, the data items will be grouped when the data source is populated. By default, grouping is not applied.



Configuration Attributes

compare java.lang.String

A JavaScript function which is used to compare the groups (refer to sort.compare for comparing the items of the groups). It has the same signature as the compare function accepted by Array.sort.


<kendo:dataSource-groupItem compare="compare">

dir java.lang.String

The sort order of the group.The supported values are: "asc" (ascending order) or "desc" (descending order). The default sort order is ascending.


<kendo:dataSource-groupItem dir="dir">

field java.lang.String

The data item field to group by.


<kendo:dataSource-groupItem field="field">

Configuration JSP Tags


The aggregates which are calculated during grouping.The supported aggregates are: "average"; "count"; "max"; "min" or "sum".

More documentation is available at kendo:dataSource-groupItem-aggregates.



Event Attributes

compare String

A JavaScript function which is used to compare the groups (refer to sort.compare for comparing the items of the groups). It has the same signature as the compare function accepted by Array.sort.


<kendo:dataSource-groupItem compare="handle_compare">
    function handle_compare(e) {
        // Code to handle the compare event.

Event Tags


A JavaScript function which is used to compare the groups (refer to sort.compare for comparing the items of the groups). It has the same signature as the compare function accepted by Array.sort.


            function(e) {
                // Code to handle the compare event.
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