
The views displayed by the scheduler and their configuration. The array items can be either objects specifying the view configuration or strings representing the view types (assuming default configuration). By default the Kendo UI Scheduler widget displays "day" and "week" view.



Configuration Attributes

adaptiveSlotHeight boolean

Increases the slot height when containing events up to views.eventsPerDay and reduces its height if there are less events for that specific day.


<kendo:scheduler-view adaptiveSlotHeight="adaptiveSlotHeight">

allDayEventTemplate java.lang.String

The template used to render the "all day" scheduler events.The fields which can be used in the template are: description String - the event description; end Date - the event end date; resources Array - the event resources; start Date - the event start date or title String - the event title.


<kendo:scheduler-view allDayEventTemplate="allDayEventTemplate">

allDaySlot boolean

If set to true the scheduler will display a slot for "all day" events.


<kendo:scheduler-view allDaySlot="allDaySlot">

allDaySlotTemplate java.lang.String

The template used to render the all day slot cell.The fields which can be used in the template are: date - represents the slot date. or resources() - returns the relevant resources for the current slot..


<kendo:scheduler-view allDaySlotTemplate="allDaySlotTemplate">

columnWidth float

The width of the table columns in timeline views. Value is treated as pixels.


<kendo:scheduler-view columnWidth="columnWidth">

dateHeaderTemplate java.lang.String

The template used to render the date header cells.By default the scheduler renders the date using a custom date format - "ddd M/dd". The "ddd" specifier, a.k.a abbreviated name of the week day, will be localized using the current Kendo UI culture. If the developer wants to control the day and month order then one needs to define a custom template.The fields which can be used in the template are: date - represents the major tick date..


<kendo:scheduler-view dateHeaderTemplate="dateHeaderTemplate">

dayTemplate java.lang.String

The template used to render the day slots in month view.The fields which can be used in the template are: date Date - represents the current day or resources() - returns the relevant resources for the current slot..


<kendo:scheduler-view dayTemplate="dayTemplate">

editable boolean

If set to true the user would be able to create new scheduler events and modify or delete existing ones.Overrides the editable option of the scheduler. Further configuration is available via kendo:scheduler-view-editable.


<kendo:scheduler-view editable="editable">

endTime java.util.Date

The end time of the view. The scheduler will display events ending before the endTime.


<kendo:scheduler-view endTime="endTime">

eventHeight java.lang.Object

The height of the scheduler event rendered in month and timeline views. In month view it could be set to a concrete number or to the string value "auto". When set to "auto" it will automatically set the views.adaptiveSlotHeight property to true.


<kendo:scheduler-view eventHeight="eventHeight">

eventSpacing float

Specifies the distance between individual events.


<kendo:scheduler-view eventSpacing="eventSpacing">

eventTemplate java.lang.String

The template used by the view to render the scheduler events.The fields which can be used in the template are: description String - the event description; end Date - the event end date; resources Array - the event resources; start Date - the event start date or title String - the event title.


<kendo:scheduler-view eventTemplate="eventTemplate">

eventTimeTemplate java.lang.String

The template used by the agenda view to render the time of the scheduler events.The fields which can be used in the template are: description String - the event description; end Date - the event end date; isAllDay Boolean - if true the event is "all day"; resources Array - the event resources; start Date - the event start date or title String - the event title.


<kendo:scheduler-view eventTimeTemplate="eventTimeTemplate">

eventsPerDay float

Indicates how many events could be listed for a day. When there are more events for a specific day a "more" link will be placed at the bottom of the day slot and will navigate to the day view if clicked.


<kendo:scheduler-view eventsPerDay="eventsPerDay">

majorTick float

The number of minutes represented by a major tick.


<kendo:scheduler-view majorTick="majorTick">

majorTimeHeaderTemplate java.lang.String

The template used to render the major ticks.By default the scheduler renders the time using the current culture time format.The fields which can be used in the template are: date - represents the major tick date..


<kendo:scheduler-view majorTimeHeaderTemplate="majorTimeHeaderTemplate">

minorTickCount float

The number of time slots to display per major tick.


<kendo:scheduler-view minorTickCount="minorTickCount">

minorTimeHeaderTemplate java.lang.String

The template used to render the minor ticks.By default the scheduler renders a " ".The fields which can be used in the template are: date - represents the major tick date..


<kendo:scheduler-view minorTimeHeaderTemplate="minorTimeHeaderTemplate">

months float

Configures the number of months that will be displayed in the year view calendar.


<kendo:scheduler-view months="months">

name java.lang.String

The name of the view. Typically, used to get the name of the currently selected view via the view method.


<kendo:scheduler-view name="name">

selected boolean

If set to true the view will be initially selected by the scheduler widget.


<kendo:scheduler-view selected="selected">

selectedDateFormat java.lang.String

The format used to display the selected date. Uses kendo.format.Contains two placeholders - "{0}" and "{1}" which represent the start and end date displayed by the view.


<kendo:scheduler-view selectedDateFormat="selectedDateFormat">

selectedShortDateFormat java.lang.String

The format used to display the selected date when viewport is narrow, and the date is displayed in short ("d") format by default. Uses kendo.format.


<kendo:scheduler-view selectedShortDateFormat="selectedShortDateFormat">

showWorkHours boolean

If set to true the view will be initially shown in business hours mode. By default view is displayed in full day mode.


<kendo:scheduler-view showWorkHours="showWorkHours">

slotTemplate java.lang.String

The template used to render the time slot cells.The fields which can be used in the template are: date - represents the slot date and time. or resources() - returns the relevant resources for the current slot..


<kendo:scheduler-view slotTemplate="slotTemplate">

startDate java.util.Date

Configures the start date of the year view. The Scheduler will display 12 months starting from the startDate.


<kendo:scheduler-view startDate="startDate">

startTime java.util.Date

The start time of the view. The scheduler will display events starting after the startTime.


<kendo:scheduler-view startTime="startTime">

title java.lang.String

The user-friendly title of the view displayed by the scheduler.


<kendo:scheduler-view title="title">

tooltipTemplate java.lang.String

Configures the template used to render the Tooltip in the Scheduler year view.The fields which can be used in the template are: date Date - the selected date from the calendar; events Array - list of the events and their respective resource for the selected date or messages Object - the configuration of the Scheduler messages used for localization..


<kendo:scheduler-view tooltipTemplate="tooltipTemplate">

type java.lang.String

The type of the view. The built-in views are: "day", "week", "workWeek", "month", "agenda", "timeline", "timelineWeek", "timelineWorkWeek", "timelineMonth" and "year".


<kendo:scheduler-view type="type">

virtual boolean

Enables the DOM virtualization for vertical grouping of the view - renders batches of DOM elements as you scroll. The views that support this option are: "day", "week", "workWeek", "month".


<kendo:scheduler-view virtual="virtual">

workDays java.lang.Object

Sets the working days (index based).


<kendo:scheduler-view workDays="workDays">

workWeekEnd float

The end of working week (index based).


<kendo:scheduler-view workWeekEnd="workWeekEnd">

workWeekStart float

The start of working week (index based).


<kendo:scheduler-view workWeekStart="workWeekStart">

Configuration JSP Tags


If set to true the user would be able to create new scheduler events and modify or delete existing ones.Overrides the editable option of the scheduler.

More documentation is available at kendo:scheduler-view-editable.




The configuration of the view resource(s) grouping.

More documentation is available at kendo:scheduler-view-group.



Event Attributes

allDayEventTemplate String

The template used to render the "all day" scheduler events.The fields which can be used in the template are: description String - the event description; end Date - the event end date; resources Array - the event resources; start Date - the event start date or title String - the event title.


<kendo:scheduler-view allDayEventTemplate="handle_allDayEventTemplate">
    function handle_allDayEventTemplate(e) {
        // Code to handle the allDayEventTemplate event.

allDaySlotTemplate String

The template used to render the all day slot cell.The fields which can be used in the template are: date - represents the slot date. or resources() - returns the relevant resources for the current slot..


<kendo:scheduler-view allDaySlotTemplate="handle_allDaySlotTemplate">
    function handle_allDaySlotTemplate(e) {
        // Code to handle the allDaySlotTemplate event.

dateHeaderTemplate String

The template used to render the date header cells.By default the scheduler renders the date using a custom date format - "ddd M/dd". The "ddd" specifier, a.k.a abbreviated name of the week day, will be localized using the current Kendo UI culture. If the developer wants to control the day and month order then one needs to define a custom template.The fields which can be used in the template are: date - represents the major tick date..


<kendo:scheduler-view dateHeaderTemplate="handle_dateHeaderTemplate">
    function handle_dateHeaderTemplate(e) {
        // Code to handle the dateHeaderTemplate event.

dayTemplate String

The template used to render the day slots in month view.The fields which can be used in the template are: date Date - represents the current day or resources() - returns the relevant resources for the current slot..


<kendo:scheduler-view dayTemplate="handle_dayTemplate">
    function handle_dayTemplate(e) {
        // Code to handle the dayTemplate event.

eventTemplate String

The template used by the view to render the scheduler events.The fields which can be used in the template are: description String - the event description; end Date - the event end date; resources Array - the event resources; start Date - the event start date or title String - the event title.


<kendo:scheduler-view eventTemplate="handle_eventTemplate">
    function handle_eventTemplate(e) {
        // Code to handle the eventTemplate event.

eventTimeTemplate String

The template used by the agenda view to render the time of the scheduler events.The fields which can be used in the template are: description String - the event description; end Date - the event end date; isAllDay Boolean - if true the event is "all day"; resources Array - the event resources; start Date - the event start date or title String - the event title.


<kendo:scheduler-view eventTimeTemplate="handle_eventTimeTemplate">
    function handle_eventTimeTemplate(e) {
        // Code to handle the eventTimeTemplate event.

majorTimeHeaderTemplate String

The template used to render the major ticks.By default the scheduler renders the time using the current culture time format.The fields which can be used in the template are: date - represents the major tick date..


<kendo:scheduler-view majorTimeHeaderTemplate="handle_majorTimeHeaderTemplate">
    function handle_majorTimeHeaderTemplate(e) {
        // Code to handle the majorTimeHeaderTemplate event.

minorTimeHeaderTemplate String

The template used to render the minor ticks.By default the scheduler renders a " ".The fields which can be used in the template are: date - represents the major tick date..


<kendo:scheduler-view minorTimeHeaderTemplate="handle_minorTimeHeaderTemplate">
    function handle_minorTimeHeaderTemplate(e) {
        // Code to handle the minorTimeHeaderTemplate event.

slotTemplate String

The template used to render the time slot cells.The fields which can be used in the template are: date - represents the slot date and time. or resources() - returns the relevant resources for the current slot..


<kendo:scheduler-view slotTemplate="handle_slotTemplate">
    function handle_slotTemplate(e) {
        // Code to handle the slotTemplate event.

tooltipTemplate String

Configures the template used to render the Tooltip in the Scheduler year view.The fields which can be used in the template are: date Date - the selected date from the calendar; events Array - list of the events and their respective resource for the selected date or messages Object - the configuration of the Scheduler messages used for localization..


<kendo:scheduler-view tooltipTemplate="handle_tooltipTemplate">
    function handle_tooltipTemplate(e) {
        // Code to handle the tooltipTemplate event.

Event Tags


The template used to render the "all day" scheduler events.The fields which can be used in the template are: description String - the event description; end Date - the event end date; resources Array - the event resources; start Date - the event start date or title String - the event title.


            function(e) {
                // Code to handle the allDayEventTemplate event.


The template used to render the all day slot cell.The fields which can be used in the template are: date - represents the slot date. or resources() - returns the relevant resources for the current slot..


            function(e) {
                // Code to handle the allDaySlotTemplate event.


The template used to render the date header cells.By default the scheduler renders the date using a custom date format - "ddd M/dd". The "ddd" specifier, a.k.a abbreviated name of the week day, will be localized using the current Kendo UI culture. If the developer wants to control the day and month order then one needs to define a custom template.The fields which can be used in the template are: date - represents the major tick date..


            function(e) {
                // Code to handle the dateHeaderTemplate event.


The template used to render the day slots in month view.The fields which can be used in the template are: date Date - represents the current day or resources() - returns the relevant resources for the current slot..


            function(e) {
                // Code to handle the dayTemplate event.


The template used by the view to render the scheduler events.The fields which can be used in the template are: description String - the event description; end Date - the event end date; resources Array - the event resources; start Date - the event start date or title String - the event title.


            function(e) {
                // Code to handle the eventTemplate event.


The template used by the agenda view to render the time of the scheduler events.The fields which can be used in the template are: description String - the event description; end Date - the event end date; isAllDay Boolean - if true the event is "all day"; resources Array - the event resources; start Date - the event start date or title String - the event title.


            function(e) {
                // Code to handle the eventTimeTemplate event.


The template used to render the major ticks.By default the scheduler renders the time using the current culture time format.The fields which can be used in the template are: date - represents the major tick date..


            function(e) {
                // Code to handle the majorTimeHeaderTemplate event.


The template used to render the minor ticks.By default the scheduler renders a " ".The fields which can be used in the template are: date - represents the major tick date..


            function(e) {
                // Code to handle the minorTimeHeaderTemplate event.


The template used to render the time slot cells.The fields which can be used in the template are: date - represents the slot date and time. or resources() - returns the relevant resources for the current slot..


            function(e) {
                // Code to handle the slotTemplate event.


Configures the template used to render the Tooltip in the Scheduler year view.The fields which can be used in the template are: date Date - the selected date from the calendar; events Array - list of the events and their respective resource for the selected date or messages Object - the configuration of the Scheduler messages used for localization..


            function(e) {
                // Code to handle the tooltipTemplate event.
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