
If set to true the user can filter the data source using the grid filter menu. Filtering is disabled by default.Can be set to a JavaScript object which represents the filter menu configuration.



Configuration Attributes

extra boolean

If set to true the filter menu allows the user to input a second criterion.


<kendo:grid-filterable extra="extra">

mode java.lang.String

If set to row the user would be able to filter via extra row added below the headers. By default filtering is using the menu mode.Can also be set to the following string values: "row" - the user can filter via extra row within the header.; "menu" - the user can filter via the menu after clicking the filter icon. or "menu, row" - the user can filter with both modes above enabled..


<kendo:grid-filterable mode="mode">

Configuration JSP Tags


The text messages displayed in the filter menu. Use it to customize or localize the filter menu messages.

More documentation is available at kendo:grid-filterable-messages.




The text of the filter operators displayed in the filter menu.

More documentation is available at kendo:grid-filterable-operators.


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