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Visual Structure

Here are described all visual elements used in the List Picker for Xamarin.

List Picker Structure before and after an item is selected

List Picker Visual Structure

List Picker Popup Visual Structure

List Picker Visual Structure Popup


  • Placeholder - the text visualized before picking an item from the list of items. Placeholder could be customized through the PlaceholderTemplate property.
  • DisplayStringFormat - the text vislualized after an item from the list of items is picked.
  • Header - the text displayed in the popup header. It could se set a direct text through the HeaderLabelText property or fully customize the popup header using the HeaderTemplate property
  • ItemTemplate - Defines the template used for displaying the list of items. For more information review Templates article.
  • SelectedItemTemplate - Specifies the template used for visualizing the selected item from the list. For more information review Templates article.
  • Footer - the footer of the popup. By default is contains OK and Cancel Buttons. It could be customized through the FooterTemplate property. For more information review Templates article.
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